
You do not have to have every item on the checklist when you apply. However, there are limited numbers of free and tuition based spots in the 2023-2024 class. 

The sooner you can turn in all items on the checklist, the sooner we can get your child qualified/approved for a spot in our Pre-K program. Proof of income for all parents in the household was required by May 5th. Please get all paperwork turned in to Central Office, 8 Ashmore Drive Mayflower, or email a copy to Mrs. Mitchell. 

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions. However, be patient as we are off campus for summer break. 

Tosha Mitchell

501-470-0387 x 113

To see if you qualify for a free ABCSS Pre-K spot, verify your annual income does not exceed 200% of FPL for family size. A limited amount of tuition based spots are available,  $100/week. 

Click here for other ways you may qualify for free tuition.