Top Posters of 2021

Special congratulations to the teams whose posters were selected as the top four MATH 485 posters for 2021!


Modeling Efficient Portfolios

Team: Adam Burnett, Van Butcher, Carl Jones, Yixu Wang

Mentor: Jared McBride

Instructor: Calvin Zhang-Molina


NASA Gateway Orbit Stability Analysis

Team: Daniel Fuehrer, Isaac Charcos, Kenneth Werrell, Yanghan Qu

Mentor: Samuel McLaren

Instructor: Ildar Gabitov


Wing Nut Tumbling in Relation to Intermediate Axis Theorem and Freestyle Aerial Skiing

Team: Abigail Hammons, Nathan Bitzko, Vincent Nagore

Mentor: Ildar Gabitov

Instructor: Ildar Gabitov


Artificial Stratospheric Aerosols: A Tool for Geoengineering to Limit Global Warming

Team: Jessica Murray, Liam David, Marcus Jacobs, Trevor Kammerzell

Mentor: Ildar Gabitov

Instructor: Ildar Gabitov