UFLI Home Practice

These are the phonetic skills students will be learning this year. You can use this as a guide when helping students decode words. They will be exposed to these, but many skills on the 2nd page will not be expected to be mastered by the end of 1st grade.

Word Lists consists of real words and psuedo words.
Psuedo words are also known as nonsense words. (zat, clart, dret, snump)
Why are psuedo words important? Psuedo words are a great way to check/assess a students knowledge or mastery of a specific phonetic skill. These words do not make sense. If the child can't decode the word then the skill represented in the word is a great place to start working with your child. Psuedo words are definitely something that takes practice. It is very natural for a child or an adult to read a word they don't know and try to figure it out by thinking of the words they do know. Thus, the practice of reading silly nonsense words is important so any word a child comes across they will be able to decode it.
When you read psuedo words in each skill list it is very important to point out to the student that the words you are going to read are pretend words and to just read them the way they sound them out.