staff wellbeing resources

Wellbeing resources and links for Marlborough Staff

*  Some documents and links are viewable only by staff  *

Black Dog Institute myCompass: 

a customisable self-help tool for your mental health

Be You

Support for educators to develop a positive, inclusive and resilient learning community.

Reach Out

Tips for staff wellbeing and self-care.

Wellbeing Survey

Measure your wellbeing and get a personalised wellbeing plan.


24 hour crisis support.                 Ph: 13 11 14

Employee Wellbeing Support Services: free and confidential advice to proactively support the wellbeing of Victorian government school staff 

Fact Sheets from Be You: Read about topics including mindfulness, physical activity and stress management 

This Way Up: Tips for looking after your mental health

AITSL: Teacher Resource Hub

Mindfulness Meditation Webinar

Caring for your wellbeing.pdf

PERMA+ Wellbeing Ideas

strategies to wellbeing and flourish.pdf

Strategies to Improve Wellbeing

Further Resources and Fact Sheets for Staff

Spotify Podcast: Dr. Marc Brackett has dedicated his life to studying emotions and to teaching us what he’s learning. In this episode, we talk about how emotional literacy - being able to recognize, name, and understand our feelings - affects everything from learning, decision making, and creativity, to relationships, health, and performance. 

This Way Up

Guided workbooks with tips and strategies to support your emotional wellbeing

Dr Lyn O'Grady

Webinar: Building hope and resilience during extraordinary times of change.

Access presentation slides here.