staff wellbeing resources
Wellbeing resources and links for Marlborough Staff
* Some documents and links are viewable only by staff *
Employee Wellbeing Support Services: free and confidential advice to proactively support the wellbeing of Victorian government school staff
Fact Sheets from Be You: Read about topics including mindfulness, physical activity and stress management
This Way Up: Tips for looking after your mental health
AITSL: Teacher Resource Hub

PERMA+ Wellbeing Ideas

Strategies to Improve Wellbeing
Further Resources and Fact Sheets for Staff
Spotify Podcast: Dr. Marc Brackett has dedicated his life to studying emotions and to teaching us what he’s learning. In this episode, we talk about how emotional literacy - being able to recognize, name, and understand our feelings - affects everything from learning, decision making, and creativity, to relationships, health, and performance.
Guided workbooks with tips and strategies to support your emotional wellbeing
Webinar: Building hope and resilience during extraordinary times of change.
Access presentation slides here.