Books and more

Books, apps, podcasts and TED talks relating to positive psychology, health and wellbeing.

Books for Students

Books for Adults

The Resilience Project

Hugh van Cuylenburg

The Happiness Trap

Dr Russ Harris


Mihaly  Csikszentmihalyi

The Strength Switch

Dr Lea Waters


Carol Dweck


Martin Seligman

TED Talks for Adults

GRIT: The power of passion and perseverance

Angela Lee Duckworth

Podcast and App Suggestions

Institute of Positive Education: Character Strengths 

Michelle McQuaid: Making Positive Psychology Work

Hugh van Cuylenburg: 

The Imperfects

The Positive Education podcast

Brene Brown: Unlocking Us podcast series

Calm App

Dreamy: Sleep stories from First Nations Storytellers

Goodnight World: Wind down with Sesame Street

The Science of Happiness podcast

Happify App

Smiling Mind App: Mindfulness

New feature on the Smiling Mind App

 Click on Explore > Families > Sleep for Families