ThE marin schools wellness collaborative
Our Work...
The Marin County Schools Wellness Collaborative meets on a monthly basis to discuss best practices to enhance systems of support for adolescent health, mental health, substance use, and sexual health services within the school setting. Discussions center on prevention, intervention, postvention and professional development related to health and wellness for students in grades TK-12 within Marin County. The meetings serve as a forum for members of school mental health teams to share and discuss proven resources and/or areas of need with colleagues engaging in the same work. The ultimate goal of the Collaborative is to work towards the implementation of evidence-based practices for tiered interventions concerning student wellness within all of Marin County’s schools.
Interested in Becoming a Member?
Membership consists of Mental Health and Wellness professionals from schools and community based agencies who serve students in grades TK-12 in Marin County. We meet the third Thursday of every month September to May. If you are interested in joining the Collaborative, please click the survey below. Please refer any questions to Marin County Schools Wellness (Email:
Working together to foster wellness for Marin County school communities.
Our purpose...
The Marin County Schools Wellness Collaborative is designed to accomplish all of the following:
Provide connectedness to providers;
Offer consultation concerning service delivery;
Share resources, best practices and protocols to enhance the consistency of service delivery across districts;
Increase knowledge and access to mental health/wellness services;
Establish clear processes, information and implementation strategies to support the delivery of wellness services;
Provide professional development opportunities;
Identify professional development needs;
Improve transition and coordination of care as students transition from 8th to 9th grade; and
Unify wellness programming to the maximum extent possible.
Talk with someone 24/7
If you or someone you know is in distress, please contact:
Suicide & Crisis Lifeline 988
Behavioral Health and Recovery Services Access Line (888) 818-1115
Crisis Stabilization Unit (415) 473-6666
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (800) 273-8255
Linea Nacional de Prevención del Suicidio (888) 628-9454
Crisis Text Line - Text MARIN to 741741
Marin County Wellness Collaborative | 1111 Las Gallinas Avenue | San Rafael, CA 94903 |