High School Student Wellness Series 2021

Listen to a Description of this Speaker Series by Watching the Above Video!

This speaker series engaged students through a variety of topics from emotional intelligence, anxiety, pressure, and leadership to substance use, LGBTQ+, digital wellness, and mindfulness.
Each session was meant to support our high school students during these unprecedented times.

Michael Pritchard: Community Through Unity

Empowering student choices

Michael Pritchard is a nationally acclaimed keynote speaker who uses humor to inspire and educate audiences on life skills. Using his unique style, he empowers students with social and emotional skills and influences them to make good choices. This speaker series will engage students through a variety of topics from motivation, anxiety and depression to mindfulness, listening to your intuition and preparing for the future during these unprecedented times.

Part One: Motivation & Conversation with Future Self

Part Two: Mentally Prepare for the Future

Part Three: Mental Illness & Depression

Part Four: Intuition | Midfulness

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention's More than Sad

Demystifying depression and treatments

The session teaches teens to recognize the signs of depression in themselves and others, challenges existing stigma surrounding depression, and demystifies the treatment process. Students will be empowered to remain connected and help keep our communities safe in an ever-evolving COVID-19 environment.

SPAHR Center

Connect with LGBTQ+ students to discuss school culture, GSA and strategies to address homophobia and transphobia.

Our community is stronger together! This session, facilitated by Fel Agrelius from The Spahr Center, is an opportunity to connect with LGBTQ+ students from across the county, discuss your school's culture and GSA, and learn skills and strategies to address homophobia and transphobia in your schools.

  • Tuesday, February 23rd | 3:30-4:30PM

  • Tuesday, March 23rd | 3:30-4:30PM

  • Tuesday, April 27th | 3:30-4:30PM

These sessions were not recorded

Pure Edge

Learn breathing, mindful movement, and guided rest techniques to de-stress and relax!

Pure Edge sessions walk participants through breathing, mindful movement, and guided rest techniques that help de-stress and relax! Learn how to help your body and brain access a state of calm.

Tuesday, February 9

Thursday, March 25

Tuesday, April 20 (Canceled)

Recording in English | Password: $0*dDCi6

Grabación en español

Common Sense Media

Digital Wellness

We can all find more balance in our digital lives. Common Sense Media will walk us through the exploration of our own online identity, where our voices, choices and acceptances align.

Finding Balance In Our Digital Lives: a guide for students
Finding Balance In Our Digital Lives: a guide for students

Youth Opioid Team-RxSafe Marin

Discuss harm reduction principles and tools to minimize the dangerous effects of substance use as well as treatment options.

Some additional info:

The Syringe Access Program: The Syringe Access Program helps people who use substances reduce the harm from infections and overdose death. Many studies prove that providing clean syringes and other supplies to reduce sharing of equipment reduces HIV, Hep C and bacterial infections without increasing drug use. Syringe Access provides a touchpoint for the community to receive naloxone education and kits, safely dispose of used syringes and pathways to drug treatment, physical health care and behavioral health services. The Spahr Center: A full list of syringe access sites, dates and times can be found at: https://thespahrcenter.org/syringe-access/. All services are free.

Our AWESOME Community Based Organization Partners

Marin County Office of Education | 1111 Las Gallinas Avenue | San Rafael, CA 94903
https://www.marinschools.org/ | RapidResponse@marinschools.org