Summer Reading 2024: ENGLISH 3 CP

Step 1: Choose a book

Choose a book, fiction OR non-fiction, that has something to do with U.S. History. Consider choosing a historical event and then searching for books that relate to that event. It could be a biography, memoir, fictional story, etc. Please choose a book that you find interesting and that is accessible to you! You can purchase your book on your own, or pick it up from the public library. You will need access to the book for the first few weeks of the school year.

Please make sure you discuss your book with your parent or guardian to make sure you are all in agreement that is an appropriate book.

Reach out to your teachers (English, History, Mrs. Colpi, or Mrs. Ecker) to ask for any recommendations. 


Read your book and read it with purpose. While you read, keep track of the historical context of the book. Consider using post-it notes or keeping a running list of the historical context discussed in the book. We'll use these notes when you return to school in August.

I'm Finished reading. Now What?

When you return to school, you'll use your book for discussion and some writing. Come prepared with your book and notes!

Happy reading! Enjoy your summer, and we will see you in August!