Teach Using the Marie Drake Planetarium



Please find information below about field trips and links to the signup form and calendar.  Field Trip Information is below. Use the tabs at the top to find out about eclipses or our fulldome video library.   Come back for updates.

Bookmark this site or copy and save the URL above. 

Last update: March 27, 7am

Any questions?  Contact us.

rosemary@mariedrakeplanetarium.org or mariedrakeplanetarium@gmail.com

We do 100% or --

If you would like to teach or co-teach during part of your planetarium visit we are happy for you to do so. Unless you request, we provide the whole experience. If you are interested in leading certain discussions, let us know.  We still operate the equipment for you and can handle everything else.

Field Trip Information is below. Use the tabs at the top to find out about eclipses or our fulldome video library.

Signup for a Field Trip

When you are ready to sign up:

We will get back to you. 

Field Trip Categories and Descriptions

The field trip categories below are adaptable for any grade except where noted otherwise. Pick one that seems to fit and then add as much additional information as you want as comments. If addressing science standards or other standards during this visit are important to you, let us know.  A planetarium field trip is both entertaining and educational. You can explore each of these options by entering this form and exiting before submitting. You can re-enter this form to make changes by choosing "Revision." We can continue a discussion of your choices by email or phone. 

1. Under a Juneau Sky - adaptable for any grade

This is our interactive planetarium show which covers a variety of interesting topics and visual effects. In addition to seeing the sky from Earth, we often include a brief visit to the Moon or a few planets. We can adapt it for any age group, and each show may differ each time depending on the interests of the teacher, presenter, and students. 

2. Special Topics for 1st Grade Science Standards

A version of (1), but with with specific emphasis on topics for science standards for 1st  grade classes.

3 Special Topics for 5th Grade Science Standards

A version of (1), but with with specific emphasis on topics for science standards for 5th grade classes.

4. Our Sky Through the Eyes of Raven and the Box of Daylight - adaptable for pre-K through lower elementary

Developed with assistance from the district's Teaching and Learning Center, this field trip incorporates the story of Raven and the Box of Daylight, as told by Lily Hope. It highlights the Indigenous story with the natural world of stars, the Moon, the Sun, and daylight and can be adapted for pre-K through lower elementary grades. 

5. Sea Week Field Trips - Sea Week participants only and available by mid-April

     Oceans and Ocean Shores (1st grade)

     Oceans, Ice, and Climate (5th grade)

If you are not part of Sea Week, use category (5) for your request. Material can be adaptable for any age, and can include additional material related to climate change for middle or high school students.

6. Specific Topics or Requests

The option allows a teacher more choice in selecting topics or requesting specific media, such a fulldome movies. Please ask, and we will get back to you as to what's possible. 

Also, including eclipses

This is a special year for solar eclipses. A total solar eclipse will be visible in parts of the US, not in Alaska, on April 8. You can request special eclipse show using category (5) or simply request an abbreviated discussion be added to any of the shows above.

For each of the above you can add suggestions, comments, or requests on the form.

Here is a partial list of sometimes requested planetarium topics

You do not need to add any of these.

Some of these are might already be included the category you pick.

However, you can add one or more of these in the comment area for your selection on the form or get ideas for a special topics request.

Once you sign up, we can get back you to as to what's possible within your visit there and within our preparation time on our part.