Writing Lessons: Term 1

Writing Focus: Term One

We are learning to: Create texts to communicate current knowledge and understanding

I can do this when:

  • I can come up with my own idea

  • I can remember what I want to write

  • I can write my idea, answer, opinion or a question

  • I can write a personal recount about something I have done

  • I can write ideas and use words that relate to my topic

  • I can add some detail in my ideas

  • I can write my ideas so they are interesting to read

  • I can write a personal recount about something I have done

  • I can write a simple description

  • I can write about topics I like

Don't forget to practise making your sight words! There are lots of cool ways you can make your words!

Week 9 and 10: WALT: use describing words

Writing prompts:

This week we are writing two stories!

First story: Draw your picture plan of Miss Johns' fruit bowl and write some amazing describing words about what you can see.

Second story: Draw your picture plan of a person you love. Write 2-3 sentences about what this person looks like. Next day come back to it and write another 2-3 sentences about their personality.

Success Criteria:

  • plan your writing by drawing pictures

  • use the describing words in your story

Week 8: WALT: use the word 'like' in our writing

This weeks poem:

This week we are writing two stories. One about the things we like and one about the things we don't like.

First story: Draw your picture plan of the things you like and write at least two sentences.

Second story: Draw your picture plan of the things you don't like and write at least two sentences.

Success Criteria:

  • plan your writing by drawing pictures

  • use the word 'like' in our writing

Week 7: WALT: plan and write a poem

Example Poem:

This week we are writing about what we want to be when we grow up.

This poem can give us lot's of ideas about some of the cool things we could do when we grow up. We can use our imagination to come up with even more ideas together!

In your books, draw your picture plan and write your poem. Your poem must have at least 2 sentences.

Success Criteria:

  • plan your writing by drawing pictures

  • write 2 or more sentences.