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  • Solutions

  • Solutions

  • πŸ —πŸ —πŸ —πŸ —πŸ —πŸ —πŸ —πŸ —πŸ —

  • Solutions

  • πŸ •πŸ •πŸ •πŸ •πŸ •πŸ •πŸ •πŸ •πŸ •


  • Ch 22 - #62, 78, 79, 83

  • Ch 23 - #57, 67, 73, 81


  • Ohm's Law Lab

  • Resistance in Series and Parallel Lab

  • Voltage and Current in Series Lab

  • Voltage and Current in Parallel Lab

Additional Resources


Students Will Be Able To...

Use Ohm's Law to solve word problems
Recognize an ampere is a coloumb per second and be able to solve for the charge passing a point in a time period
Demonstrate knowledge of how resistance, current, and voltage behave in a series circuit by solving word and multiple choice problems
Demonstrate knowledge of how resistance, current, and voltage behave in a parallel circuit by solving word and multiple choice problems
Solve for the power output of a device and calculate the cost to run that device for a finite period of time