Literacy at Mānuka school

Literacy at Mānuka

We teach one hour of reading and one hour of writing each day of the week. Reading and writing skills are also integrated into other areas of the school curriculum. 

Junior school literacy

In our Junior school, reading and writing skills are explicitly taught daily in every class through the Better Start Literacy Approach (BSLA structured literacy programme). There is also a a strong emphasis on oral language, handwriting and spelling skills at this level. The children are taught to use a range of skills through group lessons activities. 

We also have a range of digital resources that the children can use to learn in different ways. Our junior teachers are currently implementing the Better Start Literacy Approach (BSLA).

Senior school literacy

Reading and writing skills are explicitly taught for an hour each, each day in every class. The children are taught to use a range of skills through small group lessons and follow up activities. We also have a strong focus on oral and visual language skills that are integrated into all areas of the curriculum. Every senior student has a junior buddy that they read and talk about books with, once a week for 15 minutes. 

Our daily reading programmes includes

Our daily writing programme includes