Google Classroom

For Students:

How does my child join a Google Classroom?

Each class has a unique class code, which teachers will share with students. Students simply click

What is Google Classroom?

Google Classroom is a digital classroom where teachers can share digital activities, resources, assignments, and more with students.

How many Google Classrooms will I need to join?

Most of your classes will have their own, separate Google Classroom which you will join at the start of the school year. In middle school, when you start a new Related Art or World Language (gr. 5), you will join new Google Classrooms for those classes at the start of those marking periods.

How do I navigate Google Classroom?

When you enter a Google Classroom, you will see 3 tabs at the top of the screen: Stream, Classwork, Grades

  1. Stream: In the Stream, you will see announcements, reminders, and notifications posted by your teacher.

  2. Classwork: In Classwork, you will find all of the assignments, resources, and instructions posted by your teacher.

  3. Grades: In Grades you will find any grades which have been published through Google Classroom. Most teachers, however, upload grades directly to Powerschool, and do not post grades to Google Classroom.

For Families:

How can I monitor my child's work in Google Classroom?

The most complete view will come by sitting with your child and asking them to navigate to the "View My Work" section. There, you will see a full list of all of your child's completed assignments, any comments or grade they may have received, and any assignments which may still be due.

To get automated Guardian Summary emails, please contact your child's teacher for an invitation to join the Classroom as a guardian. This is not visible to other students, and your child will not be notified. Guardian Summary emails allow you to see your child's missing work, upcoming work, and class activities posted by the teacher. Guardian Summary emails do not include grades.

For more information on Google Classroom, check out Common Sense Media's "Parents' Ultimate Guide to Google Classroom"

For more information on Google Classroom, or other technology topics, please email . Louis Goffinet, our Technology Integration Specialist, is happy to help!