Pre-AP English 1 & Practical Writing


In Pre-AP English 1 and Practical Writing , we will explore a wide variety of rigorous texts to introduce and prepare all students for future English courses as well as college. This class is designed to help and encourage students to think critically, explore the world around them through various texts and to discover their voices. In this class, you all will develop the skills that will not only help you to pass the English 1 STAAR/EOC exam but will ensure that each scholar becomes a stronger writer, life-long learner and critical thinker.

Contact Information

Room: B103


Google voice: (512) 655-9284

Ms. Moya's Schedule

Tutorial hours: Wednesdays at 8am or by appointment


Period 1 - Advisory

Period 2 -  English 1

Period 3 -  English 1

Period 4 -  English 1

Period 5- Conference


Period 6 - Advisory

Period 7 - Practical Writing

Period 8 - Practical Writing

Period 9 - Conference

Period 10 - Practical Writing

Google Classroom Codes

*Join the Google Classroom for your class period to access all class materials! 


Period 1  Advisory: 

Period 2  English 1: a2zvoqp

Period 3  Practical Writing: g75it4m

Period 4:  dlim4v5

Period 5 English 1: Conference


Period 6  Advisory:

Period 7  Practical Writing: cnq6c5u

Period 8: Conference: qgfltmu

Period 9 Practical Writing: Conference

Period 10 Practical Writing: ayrecun