Article Submission and Peer-Review Process

Published semiannually, Sound Studies Review (SSR) is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal,

which seeks to present multiple perspectives on the science and cultural reception of sound in both

the historic and current listening environment. The purpose of SSR is to diversify the audience of

sound studies by offering a wide range of differing topics that converge at the intersections between

historical musicology, ethnomusicology, music theory, organology, acoustical research, history of

science, audio technology, performance studies, philosophy, politics, philology, and semiology.

Before submitting an article to the journal for consideration, the author must ensure that the

proposed topic is not only suitable and pertinent to the research areas of the journal but more

importantly, the article is original and has not been sent to any other journal for consideration. If

the submitted article is of interest to Sound Studies Review, the author will be contacted by an

assistant editor and be asked to sign and return the Author Agreement.

Once the Author Agreement is received, all submitted articles go through a double-blind, peer-

review process. The peer-review process is limited to three weeks, and according to the reviewers’

reports, the editorial staff will inform the author of the journal’s decision whether or not to publish

the submitted article. The reports and the reviewers’ identity remain anonymous, unless stated

otherwise. The reviewed article is treated confidentially, and it is made clear to the reviewers that

they must not divulge their activity in any way but uniquely to the editors, including any disclosure

of the content of the submitted article in full or in part on social media or in their own research.

There is no prescribed limit to the article length, but the editorial staff kindly ask all authors not to

exceed 10,000 words. Every article submission must include a 500-word abstract, a short bio (no

more than 100 words, including name, affiliation, and email address) and be placed in the

following file formats:

images nor musical examples, which will be provided in a separate file. Please avoid any

personal references in the body of the text.

Please use the journal's email address,, to submit all documents related

to the article.