TERM TWO - Today's mahi...

Kei te mahi tatou i tenei ra...

Tuesday 18th May/ Turei te tekau ma waru o Mei

This week...

Karakia me Pepeha o Mangapapa

Let's start our day with our MK Karakia and Pepeha

We will be leading this at our Assembly today!!!!!

Porshia and Ashton will also be sharing their pepeha today.

Copy of Karakia me Pepeha mo Mangapapa

Our Maramataka

Now let's share our maramataka for today.

Kindness Challenge

Kindness challenges

This week as part of our BE KIND/KIA ATAWHAI week, we are going to 'spread kindness like confetti' by completing a kindness wero each day.

Today's challenge is to share your smiles with others.

  • As it rained yesterday, we will continue with our smiles for everyone wero today.

Today's challenge is to PASS IT ON!

  • Time for some Random Acts of Kindness. What can you do to brighten someone's day?


Maths time!

We are having our maths changeover with Room Three today.

Let's go and grow our maths brains.


As part of our Cybersmart mahi and to connect to Road Safety Week, we will be creating some media to share a road safety message with other MKids and Mangapapa friends and whanau.

We need to complete our Road Safety advertisements today.

Creating Media | Puāwai - Road Safety Week - 17th May 2021



Remember our focus areas for this narrative.

  • Hook Ins/Opening lines

  • Sentence beginnings

  • Alliteration

  • Simile


Reread your writing from yesterday. Then keep writing.

Narrative Writing - Monday

Shared Reading

Nobody Reading text - Pink shirt day connection - Term 2, 2021

Today we will be exploring the text, NOBODY!

Let's find out more...

Inquiry - Change through Science

Today we will be exploring the House of Science FIREWORKS kit.

We will be making predictions, thinking about the method (steps) that we follow, noticing and sharing our observations and drawing conclusions.

Fireworks - HOS Kit - Term 2, 2021


Inquiry - Change through Science

We will continue working through the kit across the afternoon block as this is the only chance that we will have to use it this week.

Fireworks - HOS Kit - Term 2, 2021