TERM TWO - Today's mahi...

Kei te mahi tatou i tenei ra...

Monday 17th May/ Mane te tekau ma whitu o Mei

This week...

Karakia me Pepeha o Mangapapa

Let's start our day with our MK Karakia and Pepeha

We will be leading this at our Assembly today!!!!!

Finn and Ekam will also be sharing their pepeha today.

Copy of Karakia me Pepeha mo Mangapapa

Our Maramataka

Now let's share our maramataka for today.

Kindness Challenge

Kindness challenges

This week as part of our BE KIND/KIA ATAWHAI week, we are going to 'spread kindness like confetti' by completing a kindness wero each day.

Today's challenge is to share your smiles with others.

  • You will each be give 10 paper smiles to share with others around school! (You can also share your smile in person with extra people).

  • You will also participate in a 'make people smile session' just before morning tea time.


Maths time!

We are having our maths changeover with Room Three today.

Let's go and grow our maths brains.

Fitness -

Let's take a brain break and go out for Fitness

Word Work

With Miss McDonald

Silent e/ VCe syllables

Independent learning

  • Spelling notebooks

  • Steps Web

Independent learning

  • Homophones activities

  • Spelling Notebooks


Writing Warm Up

What is a simile?

Let's explore this question further...


We will continue our focus around Hook Ins/Opening lines and sentence beginnings.

Today we will also pay attention to the language features of ALLITERATION and SIMILE.

Narrative Writing - Monday

Assembly - 12.20pm

Time for this week's assembly.

What does REACH look like in the hall at assemblies? Let's make sure that these are the behaviours that we see.


Te Reo...

WARM UP: Kei te aha koe?

Review: Introductions

Let's review last week's learning around learning to say our name, where we are from, where we live, what we like and what we don't like in te reo.

New learning: Introducing a friend

Let's learn how to introduce our friend by saying their name, where they are from, where they live, what they like and what they don't like in te reo.


As part of our Cybersmart mahi and to connect to Road Safety Week, we will be creating some media to share a road safety message with other MKids and Mangapapa friends and whanau.

Our focus for today is exploring some examples of advertisements and creating our own advertisements. IF we have time we will share these on our blogs, otherwise we will do this later in the week.

Creating Media | Puāwai - Road Safety Week - 17th May 2021