TERM 3 - Today's mahi...

Kei te mahi tatou i tenei ra...

Wednesday 1st September/

Wenerei te tuatahi o Hepetema

spring: Aug 31, 2021 2:42 PM.webm

Welcome to Alert Level 3 and Wednesday!

Check your emails please. :)

Today is the first day of SPRING!

The school FB page is asking for any photos of you celebrating Spring that you might like to share. You can email these to me and I can pass them on, or your parents can message them to the School FB page.


  • We will have a Google Meet this morning at 9am, This will be to share our Karakia and Pepeha and catch up and to share how distance learning will look for the next couple of days.

  • At 11.30am - there will be another Room 2 Google Meet for anyone who wants to be part of some literacy/writing activities.

  • The rest of your learning for the day can be found below.

  • Remember to move your learning into your folders so that I can see it.

Google Meet #1 - Room 2 - 9am start!!!!!

It would be great to catch up with everyone and share our Karakia and Pepeha together and to hear what everyone has been up to.

How it works;

Find a suitable place to set up your device. (A quiet spot where you will be able to hear and focus on each other).

Just before 9am (between 8.55-9am) click the link below.

Test your camera and microphone to make sure they both work.

Turn your camera on and MUTE your microphone as you enter the meeting.

Remember your REACH values!

See you there!

Karakia and Pepeha

Let's start our day with our MK Karakia and Pepeha

Through this we are meeting our te reo schoolwide progressions as we are able to;

  • Say and know the actions to the school blessing and/or karakia - He Honore

  • Say and know the actions to the school pepeha -Mangapapa Pepeha

Copy of Karakia me Pepeha mo Mangapapa

Google Meet #2 - Room 2 - 11.30am start!!!!!

This google meet is a chance to do some writing activities together.

You will need; Paper and something to write with

Today's ako/ learning...

padlet Aug 31, 2021 2:44 PM.webm

Padlet - Check In

What do your love about SPRING?

You can add a photo, record using audio, or make a video clip to share your thinking.

Please remember to add your name so they know who you are. :)

If you are not sure how to use the padlet, please watch this video.

Untitled: Aug 18, 2021 5:27 PM.webm
challenge: Aug 31, 2021 2:45 PM.webm


Try out one of more of the 'At Home' Challenges

Roll a Picasso Drawing Activity

Have a go at creating a Roll a Picasso Drawing or two.

What to do:

  1. Get yourself ready with some paper and something to draw with.

  2. If you have a dice then you can use this, or you can use the online dice roller below.

  3. Roll the dice and draw the face for the number that you roll.

  4. Repeat for the eye, nose and mouth of your Picasso Picture.

  5. Take a photo of your drawing and add it to a google slide. Move this slide to your HOMEWORK folder.

Maths - Shape

What to do:

1.Click on the website to have a game of 3D Shape Memory.

2. Follow the instructions to complete the 'Shapes in Life' and 'Boxes of Tricks' activities.

maths: Aug 31, 2021 2:53 PM.webm
Steps: Aug 22, 2021 9:50 PM.webm

Word Work - Steps Web

All Room 2 MKids now have a StepsWeb account. (Please check your Gmail for your username and password).

Every day you can be doing a little STEPSWeb time for your Word Work learning.

What's your WORD?

What to do:

  1. Think about your lockdown experience.

  2. Choose one thing that you are loving about lockdown.

  3. Open a Google Slide and move it to your INQUIRY folder.

  4. Using word art add your one word to a google slide.

  5. Add an eye catching background.

  6. Add your name.

word: Aug 31, 2021 2:54 PM.webm
writing: Aug 31, 2021 2:57 PM.webm


What to do:

  1. Watch the video clip.

  2. Listen to Murray read the picture book and share his model text.

  3. Complete the Procedural Writing or Narrative Writing activity.

school kit: Aug 31, 2021 2:59 PM.webm

A Cloudy Lesson

What to do:

  1. Watch the clip.

  2. Complete the TALK questions.

  3. Do the DO. Design your own weather making device.

  4. Share your design a google slide, or paper.

  5. Feel free to email me a copy so that I can see what you have been up to.

NZ Statues/Landmarks Challenge

What to do:

  1. Make a copy of the slide deck.

  2. Name it and move it to your INQUIRY folder.

  3. Write down the name of the NZ town that each of these statues/landmarks can be found in on slide two.

NZ Statues/Landmarks Challenge
NZ: Aug 31, 2021 3:01 PM.webm


What to do:

  1. Make a copy of the slide deck.

  2. Name it and move it to your READING folder.

  3. Complete the activities (prior knowledge, prediction, reading of the text and follow up activities). There is a Mote audio recording to explain the task.

reading: Aug 31, 2021 3:02 PM.webm

Learning from previous days...

In case you want to do any of these and missed them yesterday.

READING - Max & Alice text

What to do:

  1. Make a copy of the slide deck.

  2. Name it and move it to your READING folder.

  3. Complete the activities (prediction, reading of the text and follow up activities). There is a Mote audio recording to explain the task.

Max and Alice - Reading Text

Maths -

Times Tables

Times Table Challenge

What to do:

  1. Make a copy of this slide deck.

  2. Name it and move it to your MATHS folder.

  3. Start the timer.

  4. Answer the times table facts in any order that you choose to.

  5. Stop the timer and record your time on your slide.

Now visit Timestables.co.nz and spend some time on the tables that you found a little tricky on the grid.

Maths: Aug 29, 2021 8:42 PM.webm

Reading - Inference

What to do:

  1. Make a copy of this slide deck.

  2. Name it and move it to your READING folder.

  3. Use the Mote tool or text to add your thinking to each of the activities.

Inference cards - Room 2 - Distance Learning
reading: Aug 29, 2021 8:43 PM.webm


What to do:

  1. Think about a topic that you want to research that starts with the letter R.

  2. Decide whether you want to ask a question about that topic and complete a RESEARCH project or whether you want to research and present FIVE FACTS about your topic.

  3. Create a slide deck. Move it to your INQUIRY folder.

  4. Complete your research. Present your slides. Think KAIRANGI/ Excellence in your presentation - fonts, images, layout, etc.

letters: Aug 29, 2021 8:50 PM.webm