TERM 3 - Today's mahi...

Kei te mahi tatou i tenei ra...

Tuesday 3rd August/

Turei te tuatoru o Ākuhata


  • Block Run today!

  • Goodluck to Xavier K - who is at the Chess Tournament today.

  • Today we will start the DANCE part of our Inquiry concept. We will be teaming up with Room 1 and Room 3 for this and will meet in the hall after morning tea.

Peer Mediation

We are on Peer Mediation this week. Please check out the timetable so that you know when you are on.

If your buddy is away, please choose another Room 2 MKid to join you.

MK Fitness/ Block Run

See you on the Big Side for Fitness. You need to meet on the court when the bell goes.

Karakia me Pepeha o Mangapapa

Let's start our day with our MK Karakia and Pepeha

Through this we are meeting our te reo schoolwide progressions as we are able to;

  • Say and know the actions to the school blessing and/or karakia - He Honore

  • Say and know the actions to the school pepeha -Mangapapa Pepeha

Copy of Karakia me Pepeha mo Mangapapa

Our Maramataka

Now let's share our maramataka for today.

Through our calendar we are learning to ask/answer;

  • Today's date in te reo (day, number, month)

  • The day it was yesterday

  • The day it will be tomorrow

  • The day's weather

  • The current season

Writing - The Diving Board

The diving board

What makes a great ending? How can we link our conclusion to our introduction in a writing text?

This will be the focus of today's writing session.

After we have consumed and critiqued a text, we will be creating our own text to describe a time that we have done something new, as we learn to connect our beginning and ending.

We will make a start on this text today and complete this on Wednesday.



THE OlympicS Reading text

Using our Mahi Tahi and Whaiwhakaaro Learning Assets, we will explore this newspaper article.

What to do:

  1. Find your NORTH Compass partner.

  2. Team up with another pair (so there are four in your group)

  3. Read the newspaper article.

  4. Now work as a group to complete your 4 C's reflection. (Remember to explain your thinking.

At 10.15am we will need to go to the hall to set up the Cupcakes for Cupcake Day!


Integrated Inquiry Learning


Today we will start our 'Kiwi As' Dance.

Why Dance?

This term every class has to create a dance for our Inquiry, 'So what?'

You will select the song that you want to dance with and the group of Room 1, Room 2 and Room 3 MKids that you want to work with to create your dance.

Why Dance?


2-2.25pm - Zoe and Maia with Vicki in the Room 3/5 Breakout Space

Integrated Inquiry Learning


'Kiwi As' Dance time continues.

If time...

The Beep Test...

1. What is the beep test

The beep test is a fitness test that assesses your cardiovascular endurance. Essentially you will run back and forth between two points positioned 20 meters apart.

The required running speed is determined by a preprogrammed audio tone that steadily increases in speed as each minute passes. Your goal is to keep up with the audio tone for as long as you can!

2. What are the rules

  1. You begin the beep test by standing at one end of the 20 meter area with one foot placed on the end line. You’ll hear a 5 second count before a “triple beep” which indicates the start of the test!

  2. When the test starts you need to run to the opposite side and place one foot on the end line. If you arrive at either end of the course prior to the beep, you must wait there until the beep sounds before making your way back in the opposite direction.

  3. After each level (approximately one minute), a triple beep will sound, indicating the start of the next ‘level’ of the test. Each time this occurs, the time between beeps decreases. Your running speed must then increase to maintain the required pace.

  4. You must continue back and forth over the 20-metre course until you can no longer reach the end lines in time with the beeps.

  5. The test finishes when you miss two beeps in a row.