TERM 3 - Today's mahi...

Kei te mahi tatou i tenei ra...

Friday 20th August/

Paraire te rua tekau o Ākuhata

Welcome to Day 3 of Lockdown!

Check your emails. :)


  • Look down - Level 4 - Stay at home!

  • You do not have to do anything on here this week, but I will add some activities you can do if you choose.

Karakia and Pepeha

Let's start our day with our MK Karakia and Pepeha

Through this we are meeting our te reo schoolwide progressions as we are able to;

  • Say and know the actions to the school blessing and/or karakia - He Honore

  • Say and know the actions to the school pepeha -Mangapapa Pepeha

Copy of Karakia me Pepeha mo Mangapapa

Here are a few 'Fun Friday' suggestions...

  • Leave a message on our Room 2 padlet for today.

  • PASSWORD: Room 2

  • Play a board game with someone in your whanau.

Design a Fitness Course

Go and play a game with the people in your bubble, kick a ball, shoot some hoops, skip, hopscotch, play on the tramp, design your own fitness course, complete the workout for the letters in your name, create your own MK Sport activity.

  • On your walk record the numbers of all the letterboxes that you pass.

What patterns can you see? Can you add all the numbers together? What is the difference between the biggest and smallest number you saw? What maths questions can you ask and answer with the numbers you collected?

  • Do some baking

While you wait for it to cook, look at the recipe, what quantities of each ingredient would you need if you doubled your recipe? What if you tripled it?

  • Game time

Teach your whanau to play 'Poi Rakau' or 'Pukana'

  • Card Flip

Playing individually, in pairs etc flip over a card and follow a given rule to say i.e.

  • Double number

  • Halve number

  • Identify even or odd

  • Double +1

  • Add 5 or another given number to card flipped

  • Number before/Number after

  • Greater than/Less than

  • One more, two more or three more, ten more, 100 more than…

  • One less, two less or three less than…

  • Multiply each number your flip by an agreed number (eg. Flip x8)

  • Use two cards - double digit numerals

  • Use three cards for three digit numerals

  • Flip four cards - what numbers can you make, biggest number, smallest number, make two two digit numbers - add them together, subtract the smaller number from the larger one, multiply the two numbers together

Kapa Haka - 2021 Words and Song clips

Kapa Haka

Have a sing of your favourite waiata.

Perform the haka for your whanau.

  • Get Active

Choose a song and play a one minute clip.

How many star jumps can you do before the music stops? How many push ups? How many burpees?

Challenge your whanau. Who can do the most?

Show the information you have collected on a graph.

  • Book Review

Read your favourite book and then create a book review for this book.

  • What was the title of the book?

  • Who was the author of the book?

  • Did you like the book?

  • Would you recommend the book? Why?

  • What was your favourite part?

  • What was the book about?

  • Draw a scene from the book.

  • Create some Art using felts or coloured pencils

Here are some ideas to get you started...


Do you have some paper at home?

If so, have a go at making an Origami butterfly.

'What's your name?'


Try spelling out your name by doing the different activities for each letter in your name.

Ask someone in your bubble to come and have a go.