TERM 3 - Today's mahi...

Kei te mahi tatou i tenei ra...

Friday 13th August/

Paraire te tekau ma toru o Ākuhata


  • Raffle money - money/tickets to the office please.

  • School Photo money/orders to the office.

  • Have you completed your guesses for Maths Week? Remember to get this completed today!

  • We may be helping a group of GGHS learners with a learning activity today from 9-9.30am - TBC.


We are on Patrols this week.

Please make sure that you know WHEN you are on.

FRIDAY PROGRAMME > 9.00 - 9.45am


Brodie, Tanche, Michael, Ekam, Tia, Lily, Zoe, Chloe, Mia, Masha, Finn, Noah, Ashton

Karakia me Pepeha o Mangapapa

Let's start our day with our MK Karakia and Pepeha

Through this we are meeting our te reo schoolwide progressions as we are able to;

  • Say and know the actions to the school blessing and/or karakia - He Honore

  • Say and know the actions to the school pepeha -Mangapapa Pepeha

Copy of Karakia me Pepeha mo Mangapapa

Our Maramataka

Now let's share our maramataka for today.

Through our calendar we are learning to ask/answer;

  • Today's date in te reo (day, number, month)

  • The day it was yesterday

  • The day it will be tomorrow

  • The day's weather

  • The current season

Block One Learning - (To be completed in Choir or Kapa Haka time)

  1. Spelling testing

  2. Cat vs Bird Rap recordings

  3. Art Room Art

*See below for details of what to do for each activity.

*Please do not start the activities that we will be doing in the middle block as I need to talk you through these.

*Remember to track your mahi on the Tracking Sheet.

Keeping Track of our Mahi - 13th August 2021

Spelling testing

It is time to find out how you are tracking with your current Spelling Set.

When you are ready, please have a buddy test you on your words.

Make sure that you write your name, the date and your set on your testing sheet.

Then you need to hand these in for marking.


Cat vs Bird Rap Recordings...

Today you need to spend some time putting your rap to one of the backing tracks. Then you need to use the padlet to record yourself sharing your rap. You can either use the audio recording or the screen recording function.


  • Make sure that you don't have the volume on the backing music up too loud or you won't be able to hear yourself.

  • Do a test first by playing the music and saying hello and your name.

  • Then record your rap!

  • Add your name/s so we know whose rap it is. (If you wrote your rap with a buddy, you can either record it together or each do your own recording - you choose!)

Cat vs Bird - Creating our own raps - What are ‘The Arts’ and why do people create through ‘The Arts?’ HOW DO WE GET OUR MESSAGE ACROSS?


A number of you still need to complete your art from your visit to the Art room last week.

If this is you, please complete this. It needs to be finished by morning tea time.

When you finish, please spend the rest of this time learning your spelling words ready for tomorrow's test.

FRIDAY PROGRAMME > 9.45-10.45am

Kapa Haka

Riley, Xavier K, Maia, Danika, Porshia, Xavier R, Zoe, Finn, Tanche

FRIDAY PROGRAMME > 10.10 - 10.35am

Recorder A

Eden, Brodie

FRIDAY PROGRAMME > 10.45 - 11.10am

Guitar A

Masha, Danika


Progress Plan Reflections

Last term you reflected on your goals by sharing your thinking with me and I wrote this down.

This term you will use the Mote tool to share your thinking around your progress with your three goals.

What to do...

  1. Read your REACH/Learning Asset goal.

  2. Use Mote to record how you think you are going with this goal.

  3. Put your audio icon into the box at the bottom.

I think that I have achieved my goal because...

I have made progress on my goal because I am...

I am still working on this goal because...

  1. Read your Learning to Know (Literacy/Maths goals) and reflect on each of these using Mote and move your audio icon to the box at the bottom.

Blogger -

What makes a quality post?

Do your blog posts show what great writers you are?

Do your blog posts clearly explain the learning that you have completed?

Do your blog posts explain the Learning Assets that we have been focussing on?

Do your blog post explain your reflections? What you found easy? What challenged you? What you would do differently next time?

Today we are going to spend some time creating a quality blog post.

Your post will share some of our learning from the last couple of weeks. You will find photos/video clips on our Room 2 photos page.

11.50am - Friday Sports

Xavier K, Riley, Maia - Good luck for your game today!

Mia - Good luck for your Netball game today!

FRIDAY PROGRAMME > 12.30 - 1.00pm

Ukulele A

Chloe, Porshia, Tanche, Finn


FRIDAY PROGRAMME > 2.00 - 2.30pm

Guitar B

Xavier R

Exploring photography...

Inquiry - Photography - How do we get our message across?

Whole School Dance

The Year 5 and 6 LN will be in the hall from 2-2.15pm to continue to learn the whole school dance.