TERM 3 - Today's mahi...

Kei te mahi tatou i tenei ra...

Friday 10th September/

Paraire te tekau o Hepetema

Today's ako/learning

Karakia and Pepeha

Let's start our day with our MK Karakia and Pepeha

Through this we are meeting our te reo schoolwide progressions as we are able to;

  • Say and know the actions to the school blessing and/or karakia - He Honore

  • Say and know the actions to the school pepeha -Mangapapa Pepeha

Copy of Karakia me Pepeha mo Mangapapa


  • Friday programme except Kapa Haka is on today.

  • Please send raffle tickets and money to the office.

  • Any photo orders to the office please.

Writing - The Greatest Library

The Greatest Library Writing

Today we will use 'The greatest library' image and prompt as the motivation for our writing.

We will complete some pre-writing activities and then you will plan and write your narrative based on this prompt.

A window into your 2021 Lockdown

Complete your 'Window into my 2021 Lockdown' Artwork.

Before you eat your morning tea kai, please wash your hands.

Morning tea

As you come back in from morning tea, please wash your hands or sanitise.


WARM UP: Explore this maths question with a buddy. How many solutions can you come up with?

Transformation - Enlargement

Today we are going to explore Enlargement. You will choose one of the two images and have a go at enlarging it using the scaled grid.

Transformation - Kowhaiwhai

Before the lockdown we had started our Kowhaiwhai strips. Remember these had to have elements of reflection, rotation, or translation in them. Let's get these completed today.

Word Work - Steps Web

Our Word Work session today will be a StepsWeb session.

So please sign into your account and continue with your programme.


Before you eat your lunch, please wash your hands.

Finishing off time - There is time this afternoon to finish any of your mahi from today that is still a work in progress.

Patrols pack up and Pick up Zone Preparation

We need to get packed up and ready to head over to the Big Side and our end of day pick up zones. This is something we will do every day. Your parents have all let me know your after school plans.

We will line up outside in the following order;

  • Zone 4 - walking, scootering, biking home

  • Zone 1 - School side Rua Street drop off/pick up zone

  • Zone 3 - Big side Car ark pick up zone

  • Zone 2 - Court side Rua Street pick up zone