Today's mahi...

Kei te mahi tatou i tenei ra...

Wednesday 17th February/ Wenerei te tekau ma whitu o Pepuere

Our MK Blessing

Let's start our day with our MK Blessing.

Ka inoi tatou..

Room 4 Copy of Our MK Blessing

Our Pepeha

Let's share our MK Pepeha.

Now let's share our maramataka for today.

Maths - 9.15am-10.15am

Today we will split into our Room 2 and Room 3 maths groups for our maths learning.

Fitness break

Let's have a game of SILENT BALL.

What will Whanaungatanga/Community look like during this game?

How will you demonstrate Waiaro/Attitude?


Today we will finish writing our Dream Shoes/Life changing shoes text.

If you are on a device please make sure that you have moved you writing to your WRITING FOLDER.


Writing continued...


To find out today's reading learning is, click on the button below to take you to our READING page.


Silent Reading...

Choose some silent reading material and get started!


Please complete you art that you were working on in the art room with Mrs G yesterday. If you have finished this, then you can be working on your pepeha publishing.