Today's mahi...

Kei te mahi tatou i tenei ra...

Tuesday 9th February/ Turei te tuaiwa o Pepuere

Welcome to 2021

Welcome back to school and the first day of your Year Six year! Exciting times ahead!

Welcome to Vicki, who will be in our classroom at different times on Mon, Tues, Weds and Thurs.

Also a big welcome to Noah who is joining Room 2 and Mangapapa School.

Our MK Blessing

Let's start our day with our MK Blessing.

Ka inoi tatou..

Room 4 Copy of Our MK Blessing

Our Pepeha

Let's share our MK Pepeha.

Mihi whakatau

This morning we will be having a mihi whakatau to welcome our Noah, our other new MKids, whanau and staff.

As we are the tangata whenua, we will be supporting Mr Sadler's korero.

Let's have a run through of the waiata that we will be singing.

Haere Mai , Tihei Mauri Ora & Tutira Mai Nga Iwi


Questions, Wonderings, Notices

Is there anything that you would like to know about the year ahead?

Any questions/wonderings?

Patrols - Room Two will be on Patrols in Week 3 and 7 this term. We will create our duty roster for this in Week 2.

Hats - Have you got your pōtae at school today?

Toilets - Girls will use the Room 2 toilet, Boys will use the Room 1 toilets (please enter by the back door - not through their classroom. If the door is not open then use the hall toilet).

Friday programme - this will not start until Week Five, so you have a few weeks to think about which activities you might like to be involved in.

The year ahead...

Your wero this year is to think about all the different feathers that you need/want to collect along the way so that you are ready to fly when you go to Intermediate.

Kia kaha, Room Two. You've got this!

Tell us more...

To help to find out a little bit more about each other, we will play the M&Ms game.

Let's get started!

One word...

Kei te aha koe?

How are you feeling about starting your Year Six year?

Choose just one word to share your thinking.

Tote tray name label

Using a chromebook and Google Slides, you will create a name label for your tote tray.

Learner Kete

Across the next week we will be exploring who you are as a learner.

To house all of our activities, we will be making a kete.

Today you have the following tasks;

  • Name your kete

  • Decorate your kete

  • Weave your kete

  • Have a buddy take a photo of you

Class Jobs

We will decide who will do each of our class jobs this term.

We will also talk about patrols.

Art time...

Let's create a piece of art using our names.

We will need to bring Kairangi to our presentation.