TERM 4 - Today's mahi...

Monday 6th December

Mane te tuaono o Tihema

Kei te mahi tatou i tenei ra...

Room 2 Overview...

Have you read the notices/reminders? Are you ready for learning?

Week 8 - Room 2 Weekly Overview, Term 4, 2021

Today's ako/learning

Karakia and Pepeha

Let's start our day with our MK Karakia and Pepeha

Through this we are meeting our te reo schoolwide progressions as we are able to;

  • Say and know the actions to the school blessing and/or karakia - He Honore

  • Say and know the actions to the school pepeha -Mangapapa Pepeha

Copy of Karakia me Pepeha mo Mangapapa

Y6 ASSEMBLY - Celebrating Success ~ MKid Award

We continue to have no assemblies, so I will hand out today's certificate in the room.

Mr Sadler or Ms Moore will also do the REACH draw today and let us know whose card was pulled out.

If your card is drawn out, you will receive your certificate and ice block.

Term Four Copy of 2021 Assembly Framework

Writing - Thank you letters

We were really lucky last week to have such great camp parents supporting us so that we could do our camp activities.

Today for our writing we will be writing Camp THANK YOU letters.

What will our letters need? How will we format them?


Swimming time is 10-10.30am

Could be, but it isn't...

You will need a whiteboard and whiteboard pen.

Write down as many ways that you can think of to make 150 (any operation +, -, x, Ă·)

Before you eat your morning tea kai, please wash your hands.

Morning tea

As you come back in from the Big Side, please wash your hands or sanitise.

Reading - your choice!

You need to choose which of the two texts below you would like to explore today for your Reading.

Independent Literacy tasks...



*Silent Reading

Handwriting - 6th December 2021

Novel - Grizzly Trap

Sit back and listen to the next installment of our novel, Grizzly Trap.

What might happen next? Will Sam be able to get help?


Before you eat your lunch, please wash your hands.

Year Six Camp Reflection

Think back to last week's camp activities.

What were your highlights? What stuck with you?

Use slides, Book creator, a comic template or poster to create a visual reflection of your camp experience.

You might think about...

  • The activities you were part of

  • Your favourite camp activity

  • Your favourite camp meal

  • How camp made you feel

  • Who you enjoyed spending time with

  • Something you learned/discovered about yourself

  • Your favourite camp memory

You can use words, images, sentences, photos etc to share your experience.