Whāea Donna

I am the Te Hiku Manaiakalani Facititaor. As part of the facilitation process, teachers will be supported for one hour per week. The purpose of this facilitation is to deliver valuable CyberSmart content for both the teacher and learner. 

Technology Survey 2024

This is a link to the survey.

This is a survey about how you have used technology in your learning and what you have liked and would like more of. The information from this will help me to design engaging and fun create activities. 

About Me

You can create your own introduction poster to share on your blog so your readers and me can learn more about you. 

You may have already completed something like this in class so you can use the information of there.

You could add your pepeha.

Remember not to share private information.  

You could include: Your favourite food, movies, sport, 

You can make it on:

               Google  Slides                                                          Google Draw                                         Google Doc.                                                  Canva