
Smart Learners Term 1 Assessment

Play Blooket a quiz app to see what you can remember from term 1 smart learners. 

Click on the link to Blooket and click on join a game.

24 Hour Footprint

We are learning to create a positive digital footprint.

Te Hiku 24 Hour Footprint

What We Share

We are learning to think about what personal information we share and what private information we don't share.

Te Hiku What We Share

Exploring Blogs

We are learning to explore blogs.

Te Hiku Exploring Blogs

Quality Blog Post

We are learning to write a quality blog post.

TeHikuQuality Blog Posts

Whānau Blogging Support

We are learning to :-

create a QR code to our blog.

Copy the blog URL.

Insert images.

Te Hiku Whānau Blogging Support Template

Writing Emails

We are learning to write smart emails.

Te Hiku Smart Emails