Chromebook Care
I will respect my chromebook by always looking after it and keeping it safe.
Display a copy of this document on the class learning site and co-construct with learners what they will be doing to care for their Chromebook.
Create a comic collage to demonstrate how you look after your Chromebook
Make a copy of a Comic Collage (click either of the examples to open and make a copy or open the folder below to select)
Move to your Cybersmart folder
Insert three or four photos from the Google Drive folder.
Insert callouts and text for each photo
Creating with Google Draw provides lots of opportunity for learners to become more confident with the keyboard, touchpad and navigation.
Step it up: Depending on the age and digital fluency of your learners consider options e.g.
Before the lesson create a Google Drive folder in your Learning Site folder, and embed on your site with the doc.
Take your Chromebook for a walk
Take some time with your learners to model how they will care for their Chromebook. Make connections with the element in the Kawa of Care document e.g. when using and moving a chromebook.
Take photos and upload to the shared folder for learners to access during the lesson.