What Does a School Counselor Do?

Most School Counselors are apart of the governing organization American School Counselor Association, or ASCA. ASCA has set the ethical guidelines and procedures for School Counselors in America. Below is information that can help shed light on what makes a School Counselor and the duties that go along with being a School Counselor.

School Counselors are:

“…vital members of the education team. They help all students in the areas of academic achievement, career and social/emotional development, ensuring today's students become the productive, well-adjusted adults of tomorrow” (www.schoolcounselor.org)


“…working in a virtual setting who provide a school counseling program through the use of technology and distance (virtual/online/e-learning) counseling with the same standards and adherence to ethics as school counselors working in traditional school settings.” (https://www.schoolcounselor.org/asca/media/asca/PositionStatements/PS_Virtual.pdf)

Counseling Duties for All Students

  1. Helping teachers when you need help with families and students

  2. Social/emotional skills groups and support groups

  3. Meeting with students to make sure their needs are being met

  4. Crisis/safety assessment and planning for students who may be at risk

  5. Assisting with college and career planning/ideas

  6. Collaboration with mental health partners

  7. Schooling in the home collaboration

  8. Advocacy for students and families

  9. Information and referral for needs (mental health needs, food and resource needs, etc).

  10. Advanced opportunities

  11. Awards/student recognition