SESSION: Diaspora’s Homage to MLK JR and the Civil Rights Movement

About this session

**For Black, Indigenous, and People of Color Only**

Session Host: Black P.O.W.E.R.

Time: 12:00 - 2:00pm

Format: Lecture with Q + A

Speakers: Mariana Angelo, Nasreen Sheikh-Yousef, and Hawo Mohamed

Description: "The Pan African Movement started in the US with the focus to unite all African people after being forcibly separated. Today, the African Diaspora makes up almost half of the black population in Maine, the highest percentage in the country. As we move toward liberation for all, it is essential we pay homage to those who have have been descendants of chattel slavery and recognize the way MLK and other Black revolutionaries have paved the way for black liberation.

During the discussion, we will be: 1) delving into our experiences being Black in Maine, 2) examining the ties we have to the civil rights movement, 3) exploring avenues of reuniting the diaspora, as well as 4) critically thinking about the ways tokenization has played a part in the way black leaders are organizing in Maine.

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