State Medalists (by year)

For the years since 1998, here are the names of the athletes from Maine South that have received medals at the IHSA State Track & Field Meet. Click on the link to the year of competition to find all of the state qualifiers.

**Still revising this site from the old track site.**

State Medalists:

2018:  Olivia Niziolek, 1600 m Run, 4:58.92 (4th place!!)

2017:  Olivia Niziolek, 1600 m Run, 4:55.95 (3rd place!!)

2016: Kalina Gardiner, Casey Bomrad, Laura Downey, Olivia Niziolek,

3200 m Relay, 9:23.74 (prelims); Kalina Gardiner, Casey Bomrad, Julia Sirvinskas, Olivia Niziolek, 9:24.25 (finals) (9th place!!)

2012: Emma Ropski, Austen Beaugureau, Emily Leonard, Megan Lemersal, 

3200 m Relay, 9:19.22 (9th place!!) 

2009:  Kristen Zillmer, 800 m Run, 2:17.22 (7th place!!)

2008:  Monica Janeczek, Lauren Alpert, Noelle Tazioli, Caitlin Eskew,

400 m Relay, 48.36 (6th place!!)