Makenzie Kerr


Makenzie Kerr is the Lab Manager & Outreach Coordinator for Dr. Mya Breitbart’ lab at the University of South Florida’s College of Marine Science. She also works as a Coordinator for the Oceanography Camp for Girls.

Makenzie's masters project on DNA barcoding of fish eggs allows for molecular identification of fish eggs down to the species level, without having to identify them morphologically. Her study area is the Gulf of Mexico, looking for novel spawning grounds and doing baseline research. She enjoys spreading her passion for science around the community via the annual St. Petersburg Science Fest, Oceanography Camp for Girls, Skype a Scientist, Girls Inc, and taste of science.

Photo by Amanda Sosnowski at Terrene Visions ( @terrenevisions)

DNA Detectives - St. Petersburg Science Festival 2019

Painting the first mural at USF's College of Marine Science

Art & Science Night - The Good Virus Gallery

Girls Inc - viewing plankton under a microscope

Painting with glow in the dark bacteria

Teaching teachers about plankton

DNA Detectives - Great American Teach In 2019

Picking fish eggs using tweezers, kinda like grabbing balloons with chopsticks

Measuring fish with the Oceanography Camp for Girls

Teaching undergrads about mangrove trees

Measuring fish with the Oceanography Camp for Girls

Holding a sediment core from mangrove soil