陳 文 雄 特聘教授

Chen, Wen-Shiung, Ph.D.

陳 文 雄 (Chen, Wen-Shiung, Ph.D.)


現職:國立暨南國際大學 電機工程學系暨研究所 專任特聘教授


Visual Information Processing & CyberCommunications (VIP-CC) Lab.


(O)049-2910960 x4880(Office)


傳真: 049-2917810



1975/09 ~1979/06 逢甲大學 電機系 學士

1983/08 ~1985/06 國立台灣大學 電機系 碩士

1990/08 ~1990/12 美國德州農工大學(A&M)電機系 博士班研究(教育部公費)

1991/01 ~1994/09 美國南加州大學(USC)電機系 博士(教育部公費)


1981/08 ~ 1983/07 逢甲大學 電機系 助教

1983/09 ~ 1985/09 國立台灣大學 電機系 兼任研究助理

1985/08 ~ 1990/07 逢甲大學 電機系 講師

1992/09 ~ 1994/09 美國南加州大學(USC)電機系 Research Assistant

1994/09 ~ 2000/07 逢甲大學 電機系 副教授

2000/08 ~ 2003/07 國立暨南國際大學 電機系 副教授

2003/08 ~ 2005/01 國立暨南國際大學 電機系 副教授兼系主任

2005/02 ~ 2005/07 國立暨南國際大學 電機系 教授兼系主任

2006/08 ~ 2008/12 國立暨南國際大學 電機系 教授兼學務長

2005/08 ~ present 國立暨南國際大學 電機系/通訊所 教授

2019/08 ~ present 國立暨南國際大學 電機系 特聘教授


訊號處理(Signal Processing)

資訊工程(Information Engineering)


人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence)

深度學習(Deep Learning)

機器學習與型樣辨識(Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition)

影像處理與電腦視覺(Image Processing and Computer Vision)

生物辨識(Biometric Recognition)

多媒體人機互動(Multimedia Human-Machine Interaction)



H.-T. Chu, L. Hsieh and W.-S. Chen, “A novel design of instant messaging service extended from short message service with XMPP,” International Journal Computer Networks and Applications, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 35-40, Feb. 2015.

W.-S. Chen, L. Hsieh and Y.-S. Chiang, “Biometric verification by fusing hand geometry and palmprint features for personal authentication,” International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Engineering Research, vol. 3,

no.3, pp. 55-63, Dec. 2015.

W.-S. Chen and J.-F. Huang, “Speaker recognition with spectral dimension features of human voices for personal authentication,” Journal of Network Communications and Emerging Technologies, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 6-11, Dec. 2015.

W.-S. Chen, L. Hsieh and Y.-N. Hsieh, “Design and implementation for SIP-based push-to-talk services over 802.11 networks,” International Journal Computer Networks and Applications, vol. 2, no. 6, pp. 261-266, Dec. 2015.

R.-H. Jeng and W.-S. Chen, “Two feature-level fusion methods with feature-scaling and hashing for multimodal biometrics,” IETE Technical Review, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 91-101, Jan. 2017.

W.-S. Chen and W.-C. Wang, “Fusion of hand-shape and palm-print traits using morphology for bi-modal biometric authentication,” International Journal of Biometrics, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 368-390, Dec. 2018.

W.-S. Chen and K.-H. Chih, “Personal authentication technique with human iris recognition using wavelet transform and coding,” International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Engineering Research, vol. 6, no.6, pp. 18-28, Jun. 2018.

W.-S. Chen, P.-A. Chen, Y.-F. Chen and L. Hsieh, “A deep convolutional neural network with sharpening filters for face recognition,” International Journal of Advances in Electronics and Computer Science, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 53-57, Jan., 2019.

W.-S. Chen, “A fast fractal coding technique with range block rotation for still images,” European Journal of Engineering Research and Science, 2019

W.-S. Chen and R.-H. Jeng, “Eigen-based binary feature amalgamation in multimodal Biometrics,” International Journal of Biometrics, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 269-282, 2020.

W.-S. Chen and R.-H. Jeng, “A New Patch-based LBP with Adaptive Weights for Gender Classification of Human Face,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, vol. 43, no. 5, pp. 451-457, May, 2020.

R.-H. Jeng, W.-S. Chen and L. Hsieh, “A feature-level fusion for multimodal biometrics,” 18th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI2014), Orlando, Florida, USA, July 15-18, 2014.

R.-H. Jeng, W.-S. Chen and L. Hsieh, “Real-time robust face recognition using weight-incorporated LBP,” 1st International Workshop on Pattern Recognition (IWPR2016), Tokyo, Japan, May 11-13, 2016.

W.-S. Chen, P.-A. Chen, Y.-F. Chen and L. Hsieh, “A deep convolutional neural network with sharpening filters for face recognition,” International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Osaka, Japan, Oct. 27-28, 2018.

P.-A. Chen, Y.-F. Chen and W.-S. Chen, “Face recognition based on sharpening convolutional neural network,” 2018 31st IPPR Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (CVGIP'2018), Tainan, Aug. 19-21, 2018.

Y.-F. Chen and W.-S. Chen, “Facial age estimation based on discrete wavelet transform-deep convolutional neural network,” to be presented on IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Taiwan, YiLan, May 20-22, 2019.


執行科技部、經濟教育與衛生署等各單位補助之類型研究計 畫共54 件。


1990/09 ~ 1994/09 獲得教育部獎學金赴美進修博士學位

1998 八十七學年度教育部大專通訊科技教育改進計劃教材編撰 優等獎

2002 Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing 最佳論文佳作獎

2002 Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing 最佳論文佳作獎

2002 TIC100第四屆研華科技創業競賽(指導教授) 企業精神獎

2002 TIC100第四屆研華科技創業競賽 最佳指導教授獎

2003 TIC100第五屆研華科技創業競賽(指導教授) 最佳科技創新事業優獎

2006 Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing 優良論文獎

2008 Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing 最佳論文佳作獎

2011 國科會100年度補助大專校院獎勵優秀人才

2012 國科會101年度補助大專校院獎勵優秀人才

2018 國科會107年度補助大專校院獎勵優秀人才

行政院公共工程委員會 諮詢委員(2000、2001)

考試院高等考試 典試委員(2011)

教育部 高教評鑑中心 電機與電子工程學門 評鑑委員(2009 ~ present)

經濟部技術處SBIR計畫 主審委員(2009 ~ present)

國科會工程處資訊(2)學門 初審委員(多年)

國科會工程處資訊(2)學門 複審委員(2010、2011、2012)

擔任多份國際學術期刊 reviewer

擔任多項國際學術會議 technical committee

擔任多所大學校院自辦評鑑 自評委員