gmail 如何轉寄一大批信呢?

How can I forward multiple emails at once from Gmail?!topic/gmail/9mHrEOXEZG8

Currently, there is no button or function to send multiple messages at once in Gmail unless these messages are part of a conversation thread. Although we do not endorse one in particular, you can also look for third party applications or CRM tools that may work with Gmail. 

If you want to forward a group of messages to an existing address that you own then one thing you can do is set up a filter. You would click the down arrow in your search box. A window that allows you to specify your search criteria for the messages you would like to forward.

Then, enter your search criteria (e.g. or “Bill Notification”). If you want to check that your search worked correctly, click the search button. Click Create filter with this search at the bottom of the search window. If you need to verify the search results, you can click the x to collapse the filter options.

Clicking the down arrow again will bring the window back with the same search criteria you entered.

Then, choose the action(s) you want the filter to take on the group of messages that you have selected. In this case you would select forward to the email address which you have set up forwarding with.

You can learn more about setting up custom filters on our Help Center here: - thanks!

Luckily, there is another solution which can also mass forward existing emails from Gmail. Setting up this solution is however  a bit more tricky and involves using a GDoc spreadsheet. The idea behind this approach is to add a Tag in Gmail, move all E-mails with this tag into a GDoc spreadsheet and then forward them with a script.

If this sounds too complicated and like a lot of work, don’t worry! Amit from the Digital Inspirations did an awesome job and documented the whole process step by step. The article guides you through the setup and also includes a video tutorial. In addition to that, Amit also gives you access to his Google Doc spreadsheet which you can duplicate and use for your setup. Click here to read the tutorial and watch the video.