Computational thinking in undergraduate discrete mathematics using Python and Jupyter notebooks

Companion website for talk at AMS/MAA Joint Meetings, Atlanta, GA 1/7/2017

Welcome! This website contains links to materials used or mentioned in the talk Computational thinking in undergraduate discrete mathematics using Python and Jupyter notebooks by Robert Talbert of Grand Valley State University, given at the AMS/MAA Joint Meetings in the MAA Contibuted Paper Session on Discrete Mathematics in the Undergraduate Curriculum -- Ideas and Innovations.

To contact Robert with more questions, email or go to Robert's website and use one of the social media contacts.

Blog post on this subject

Presentation slides

Click here for an HTML version of these slides (where the last few slides are a bit more legible).

Materials from the talk

Examples of Jupyter/Python work done in class

Links to Jupyter notebooks are actually links to HTML versions of the notebooks hosted on nbviewer. To download the notebooks themselves and edit/interact with them, use the download icon at the upper right of the screen when you click on the link.

Other resources mentioned in/related to the talk: