Scavenger Hunt

In what chapter would I learn more about Behavioral Skills Training (BST)?

Chapter 7: Misuse of Training

What two components make up the Big Five Performance Management System in Chapter 12?

  1. Their five most significant accomplishments from last month in a one- or two-sentence statement

  2. Their five highest priorities for the current month

What quote can be found on page 96?

"Good leaders are like good coaches. They know how to bring out the best in people on their team." - John Maxwell

What school is used as the Case Example on the systematic application of behavior analysis in the chapter titled "Systems and Systematic Approaches?"

Morningside Academy

What concepts make up the acronym "FAST" in Bruce Tulgan's FAST Feedback approach?

  • Frequent

  • Accurate

  • Specific

  • Timely

In what chapter would I find the definition and details of pinpointing?

Chapter 11: Precise Coaching

What is "fading?" Hint: pg. 100

Fading refers to systematically reducing prompts to increase independence in others.

According to the components of a SMART Pinpoint on page 115, would this be considered a SMART Pinpoint?: The teacher will improve their instruction on classroom rules.

No. It is not specific or trackable.

Find the quote by Skinner (1953) in Chapter 13.

Behavior "shapes behavior as a sculptor shapes a lump of clay."

In what chapter would I find the Coaching Self-Assessment and Checklist?

Chapter 14: Taking That First Step