Department of Mathematics Day


November 20, 2020

Thank you for joining us at DMD! We had a great turnout. Please enjoy all the videos. Hope to "see" you next year!

A (virtual) celebration of mathematics with talks, games and performances.

Student Mini-Conference

Enjoy students presentations on various topics of interest. See what kind of research is being done by undergraduate and graduate students!

Ignite Talks + Options Fair

Special guest speakers and lightning-fast, 5-minute talks about mathematics that will make your jaw drop!

NEW THIS YEAR: Watch 5 math professors, representing 5 major options (Pure, Applied, Statistics, Teaching and Integrated Credential), as they each attempt to inspire and convince you to major in Math, in less than 5 minutes! Learn more about each math option, and find answers to all your questions, in this inaugural Options Fair!

Game Lounge

All are invited to play fun card and board games adapted to the virtual environment! There will be a zoom link for each game. Join any of the games at anytime. Play a little, play a lot, or just come hang out, learn or watch others play!

Math Jeopardy!

Teams of students compete for glory and bragging rights (and prizes as well).

Hey Students! Form a team, think of a clever team name, and sign up to compete in this year's Math Jeopardy! Send an email to if you are interested in competing. Team registration is closed!

Talent Show

Traditionally held live, this year's talent show will consist of video submissions from students and faculty showcasing their "other" talents and abilities outside of math!

Check out the talent video showcase (coming soon), and vote for your favorites!

To submit a video, please send to

Awards Ceremony

Presentation of awards, and winners of the Problem Solving Competitions.

The goal of this event is to bring students, faculty, and friends together linked by one common thread: the love of math.