Website Reference Guide

Activate your account

  • You will receive an invite through email or text to activate your Parent Square account. You can click the link and follow the instructions or you can visit and begin the “Sign up” process. If you have a smartphone, we recommend downloading the app. You can find the ParentSquare app in your app store.

  • If you have changed your phone number and/or email address send your new information to Norman Carr at

Image of activation notifications for Parent Square

Once you have created your account you can go back to and click the “Sign in” button to sign in. If you used a Gmail account you can click on the “Sign in with Google” button to sign in.

  • Once you have created your account you can go back to and click on the “Sign in” button and sign in. If you used a Gmail account you can click on the “Sign in with Google” button to sign in.

Image of Parent Square Sign in page

set your preferences

  • When you are logged in this is what your homepage should look like.

Image of Parent Square dashboard
  • Click your name in the upper right hand corner. On the dropdown menu click “My Account”.

Image of Parent Square dashboard
  • Your account should look like this.

Image of Parent Square my account settings
  • You can click on the “Change this” button to change your notification settings and/or language settings.

Image of Parent Square my account settings
  • Click “change this” under the notification setting. Here, you can change the post notification settings (You should select text and email for your notifications). Download the app to select the app notification option. Finally, choose if you would like to receive a notification for each post or an email for all posts at the end of the day.

Image of post notifications settings
  • In the language setting, click “change this” to select your preferred language.

Image of language settings

Send a message

  • On your home page, click “Messages” on the left side of the screen. To create a new message, click the “New Message” button.

Image of Parent Square's message page
  • Start typing the name of the person you would like to send the message to in the “recipients” box. Once the name you are looking for comes up, click on their name. Select “Quick Select Recipients” to save recipients you message often. Type your message in the “message” box and click “send” when you are done. Also, you can attach files in the message by clicking on the icons below the message box.

Image of Parent Square's message page

comment and appreciate a post

  • To comment on a message click on “Comment” located below the post. Type your message in the box then click the "Comment" button to post your message. If another user has already commented, then the comment box will appear below their message.

  • To like (or appreciate) a post click on “Appreciate” located below the post.

Image of Parent Square's comment and appreciate buttons