teacher Tom Kennedy

Welcome to Spring 2024!

Hi! My full name is Thomas Kennedy, but please call me Tom.

I'm from Ohio. I've lived in San Francisco since 1991, and I've taught ESL (English as a Second Language) at City College since 2007.

I believe that community is central to learning. For this reason, I foster a supportive learning community in my classes. Through participation in this classroom community, students develop skills that allow them fuller community participation at school, at work, and in their neighborhoods.

I'm excited to work with you in class. Let's learn English together!

Course Information

Learn more about my classes! On a computer, select "Courses" in the top right corner of this page. On a phone, select the three lines in the top left corner, then "Courses."

Instructor Contact Information

Teacher: Tom Kennedy

Preferred contact: Enrolled students, please contact me in Canvas Inbox.
I will respond within 48 hours (except weekends and holidays).

Email: thomas.kennedy@mail.ccsf.edu

Phone/text: (415) 935-3816

Office hours: In CityZoom by appointment

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Log-in Instructions

Go to the RAM ID Portal and Login.

Username: CCSF ID, examples: W12345678 or @12345678

Your Canvas password is your RAM ID password.

Instructions for new students

Once logged in, Click on the Canvas Tile.

Shortcut: Login directly to Canvas.

Canvas Chat Support is available 24/7.

Canvas Student Guide

Online Learning

What are the real challenges encountered by both new and experienced online students, and how can you be successful? Tune into this short tutorial video to help debunk common myths about online learning.

What Makes a Successful Online Learner? Valuable tips for success and what to expect.