Teacher Sue with a goat

Welcome to Fall 2024!

Hello! Welcome to my site!

 Here you will find information about the classes I teach and how to get help as you continue on your journey of learning English. 

I've taught ESL for over 20 years. Teaching is a passion of mine! I have taught many different kinds of classes at different locations, but I've been at CCSF since 2001. Why did I pick the picture to the left? Because I'd like to someday own goats! 

I hope you enjoy my site. We're happy you're here!

Instructor Contact Info

Susan Schall, ESL Department 

Best way to contact me: sschall@ccsf.edu, (415) 452-7209 (messages only)

Office hours: TBD, by Zoom

My response time: I will respond to all course emails within 24-48 hours Monday-Saturday, exclusive of school holidays, and Sundays.

Canvas Logo by Instructure

Log-in Instructions

Go to the RAM ID Portal and Login.

Username: CCSF ID, examples: W12345678 or @12345678

Your Canvas password is your RAM ID password.

Instructions for new students

Once logged in, Click on the Canvas Tile.

Shortcut: Login directly to Canvas.

Canvas Chat Support is available 24/7.

Canvas Student Guide

Online Learning

What are the real challenges encountered by both new and experienced online students, and how can you be successful? Tune into this short tutorial video to help debunk common myths about online learning.

What Makes a Successful Online Learner? Valuable tips for success and what to expect.