Biology 134  — Nutrition for Health Sciences 

Course Information — Spring 2024 (in-person course)  — CRN 32739

This is an in-person class that starts Wednesday 17 January 2024.

Class meets Wednesday evenings from 17:10–20:00 

in Chinatown/North Beach Center Room 504 (5th Floor)

Course Description

I am excited to welcome you to this in-person nutrition course! We will learn about nutrition fundamentals as well as recent discoveries in this young and evolving field of science. I hope you will find the readings, activities, and discussions interesting and relevant. I also hope you will feel empowered to eat well with your knowledge of nutrition, will appreciate the connections between nutrition and health, and will consider creative ways to support good nutrition at home and in your communities. We will explore these topics and more through readings, reflections, group activities, and discussions.

Bio134 is an introductory nutrition course intended for students interested in entering the allied health fields with emphasis on physiology, metabolism of nutrients, metabolic diseases and dietary modification to optimize recovery and health. Students will understand and evaluate dietary intake, nutritional assessment, and nutrition care commonly used at clinics and hospitals.

My course communication policy 

Feel free to contact me anytime with questions that pertain only to you. The Canvas Inbox is the best way to reach me. You can also email me — — or leave a voice message for me — +1 415 452 5056. I respond to all messages within 24 hours, Mon–Fri, excluding holidays.

If you have a question about something related to the course or an assignment, please utilize the course Q&A Forum (in Canvas) to post your question to the class. If a classmate or I do not respond within 48 hours, feel free to contact me directly using Canvas Inbox.

Drop-in Office Hours via Zoom: Wednesdays 1–2 pm.   You can also visit my in-person office hours on Tuesdays from 2–3 pm at the Chinatown North Beach Center.  If neither of these options work for you, feel free to reach out and make an appointment to speak with me by Zoom or in-person (e.g., before or after class). We can talk about assignments and anything that is coming up for you related to the course and your studies.


Should you have any trouble logging into your course or if you don't understand how to log in please contact the CCSF Online Course Support Center

My drop policy


Students who do not come to the first scheduled class meeting will be considered  “no-shows” and will be dropped.

Additionally, you will be asked to complete and submit a syllabus survey & student contract  by Day 3 of the first week of the course.  Students who do not submit this by 23:59 on Friday 19 January 2024 can be dropped and considered 'no-shows'

Students who stop engaging with the course for 3 or more classes or for at least two modules can be dropped.

If at any time during the course before the the drop deadline you miss 3 or more classes or you stop submitting assignments, do not participate in required discussion forums, and do not reach out to me to let me know what is going on for a period of two modules or more, I have the right to drop you from the course. However, if you stop participating in the class, do not assume I will automatically drop you.  You are ultimately responsible for dropping yourself from the class on MyRAM (formerly Web4). If you do not remove yourself from the course, you will receive an FW at the end of the term. All enrolled students must complete the final exam components to avoid an FW grade.

My late work policy

Submitting assignments on-time helps keep you engaged with the material being covered at the right time, and it allows you and your classmates to have a timely exchange of thoughts and ideas that are relevant to the specific topics that are being covered in the module that week.

For this reason, I expect you to submit your assignments on-time. Don't worry too much about having perfectly formed thoughts or ideas when you submit your work.  I ask that you engage thoughtfully with materials and assignments and do your best to submit something, even if it isn't as developed as you would like.  Don't let perfect be the enemy of good.

All assignments are due by 23:59 PST/PDT on the due date. A late submission will receive a 10% penalty per day late. 

Class Culture and the Learning Process

This class is based on the belief that everyone has the capability to learn nutrition. How we act as individuals and as a class will be the key to accomplishing our goals successfully. With this in mind, the class has the following norms:

Special Software or Materials Required

Required Material

WileyPLUS of Nutrition: Science and Applications, 4th Edition by Lori Smolin

All enrolled students are automatically enrolled in Follett Access, which gives you access to WileyPLUS through Canvas, but you can opt out if you wish. You won't pay anything upfront, but later in the semester, you will be charged a discounted price of approximately $65 to your student account for WileyPLUS. If you opt out, you will need to get WileyPLUS at market rates, which will likely be (much) more expensive.

Bookloan might also be an option for you: 

A former student who used Bookloan reported that when they received the voucher they were strongly encouraged to return the book to the organization at the end of the semester for other people to use, but it is not required. However, bookloan also works for ebook-only options if students want to get more savings out of their vouchers. Then, returns are not applicable.

NOTE: If you receive free textbooks, you must purchase WileyPLUS from the CCSF bookstore.  If you think you might qualify for free textbooks, please check out EOPS eligibility requirements.

You can purchase WileyPLUS alone OR a combination of WileyPLUS + printed textbook from the CCSF Bookstore for an additional $45.  Once purchased, you can only access WileyPLUS through Canvas (not through  This means that if you purchase WileyPLUS before the class starts on 17 January 2024, you will have to wait until 17 January 2024 before you can access WileyPLUS.

Do not purchase a PDF or used printed textbook in lieu of WileyPLUS as it will be useless for purposes of this course.  However, if you would like also to have a printed copy of the textbook, you could get a new one through the CCSF Bookstore option for an additional $45 or a used one through any channel of your choice — older editions (e.g., 3rd edition) are fine.

Other Requirements

You will need a computer and reliable Internet accessPlease don't rely only on a smart phone.  Students can apply through myRAM for the CCSF Chromebook Loan Program. The College continues to explore additional options for safely providing Wi-Fi access to students at certain targeted locations on and near Ocean Campus. 

Important Dates

Course Syllabus

Here you can access the Syllabus for Bio134 Spring 202

Additional Information

Information and resources for student success

Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

Students seeking disability related accommodations are encouraged to register with Disabled Students Programs and Services located in Room 323 of the Rosenberg Library (415) 452-5481. Please see Disabled Students Programs and Services for academic accommodations, more information and alternate locations.

You must let me know as soon as possible if you have a DSPS accommodation.


Students will use the Canvas Learning Management System for assignment instructions, submitting assignments, viewing and responding to classmates' Discussion posts, sharing resources, and viewing grades.  I can help with the course material and with some Canvas issues, but if you need help uploading an assignment or with the mechanics of Canvas, Canvas Help (look for '?' in left-hand navigation bar) or the Q&A Forum are the places to go.

Canvas log-in and Canvas Student Support  is available 24/7.