Headshot of Jessica Masters

Jessica Masters

Computer Science Department

email: jlmasters@ccsf.edu

Office Hours: Online via Zoom (contact me for hours and link)

Summer 2024 Schedule 

CS111B: Programming Fundamentals: Java

Note: The course runs from June 3 - July 28. This is a very compressed, fast-paced course. Please make sure you have the time required for this course!

Course Information

Sections 931 (CRN 54116)

This course is fully online and asynchronous. There are no in-person or remote meetings. There are no set meeting times. 

Textbook Information

This course will be using an interactive zyBook textbook. The textbook is required. You must purchase your subscription through our Canvas course, so wait until the course begins to purchase the book.

Fall 2024 Schedule 

CS111C: Data Structures and Algorithms: Java

Note: The course runs from Monday, September 3 through Friday, December 20. The course is fully online and asynchronous. There are no scheduled meeting times.

Course Information

Sections 931 (CRN 71526), 932 (CRN 71527), and 933 (CRN 73027)

This course is fully online and asynchronous. There are no in-person or remote meetings. There are no set meeting times. 

This course is part of CityOnline and has a shorter semester (9/3-12/20).

Textbook Information

Think Data Structures: Algorithms and Information Retrieval in Java

Allen B. Downey

Green Tea Press

This textbook is available as a free PDF download.

CS211D: Android Programming

Note: The course runs from Monday, August 28 through Tuesday, December 19. The course is fully online and asynchronous. There are no scheduled meeting times.

Course Information

Sections 931 (CRN 73033)

This course is fully online and asynchronous. There are no in-person or remote meetings. There are no set meeting times. 

This course is part of CityOnline and has a shorter semester (9/3-12/20).

Textbook Information

This course will be using an interactive zyBook textbook. The textbook is required and will cost $58. You must purchase your subscription through our Canvas course, so wait until the course begins to purchase the book.

Software Requirement

Students will be required to have access to Android Studio.


All courses are online through Canvas.

You can login directly to Canvas.

Your username is your CCSF RAM ID (examples: W12345678 or @12345678). 

Your password is your RAM ID password. 


Instructions for new students 

Canvas Student Guide

Canvas Chat Support is available 24/7.

CCSF Online Course Support Center (for help with your RAM ID or logging in)

Computer Science Tutor Squad

Canvas Logo by Instructure