Chem 110

Chemistry and the Environment

Dr. Zumwalt

City College of San Francisco

Chemistry Department


Office: Science 241

Welcome to Chemistry 110 - ONLINE

This course will focus on chemical fundamentals related to environmental issues and society. Some of the topics we will explore are:

  • Air Pollution, Greenhouse Gases
  • Nuclear Chemistry
  • Medicinal Chemistry
  • Genes and Biomolecules

This course is intended for non-science majors, although all are welcome to join and explore how chemistry relates to the world around them.

Please view the full course outline for Chem 110.


Upon completion of this course, a student will be able to:

  1. Explain environmental issues like pollution, ozone depletion, climate change, and acid rain using chemical concepts.
  2. Analyze personal, societal and global issues in the context of chemistry.
  3. Formulate informed opinions on technical public policy issues.
  4. Evaluate technical accuracy of articles published in the press or on the internet.