Students Speak at Safety Committee Meeting

MIT trip to Struthers

By: Rick D'Amico and Kyah Ceci

On Thursday October 11, 2018, Journalism students took a trip to Struthers, to sit down at the board meeting to discuss innovative safety solutions. The idea is a system of self defense. The idea would be buttons in every classroom that you can press that could signal a silent alarm, that would notify the administration that a threat is in the building. It is different from a traditional lock down, where the kids could actually implement themselves in the situation, pressing these buttons and defending the entire classroom of the children and teachers.

At first the board struggled with understanding the concept but eventually they understood the idea. They advocated it as a smart idea. Colin Smith, Hannah Kelly, and Hannah Rowbottom presented, explaining the main idea of the product, while Journalism students tracked down the main idea of the project, as well as took pictures.

We projected a presentation on the smart board, and it was well received!