How Do I Fit?

How Do I Fit? For Team Building

Working with a new team? Do you feel like your team is stuck? Have a project or goal and you want your team to see how they contribute? Or are you tired of meetings where 20% of the team does 80% of the talking?

This session might be just the thing you are looking for! This half day session utilizes the Lego® SeriesPlay® framework to create a fun and interactive way for teams to understand each other better.  It's also about 100/100% participation. Everyone has the opportunity to build and everyone has the opportunity to discuss their model. The win/win!

As a manager this session can help you gain deeper insights into your individual team members. Asking critical questions about how they see their role or what they see as the team's biggest program will help you manage them even better. 

During this half day session team members have the opportunity to build Lego® models and share about their models. The goal of "How do I fit?" is for team members to understand themselves, their teammates, and you, the manager, better. Ultimately, understanding how they fit in the big picture of your team and organization.

The beauty of the Lego® SeriousPlay® framework is we can tailor a session that fits the needs of your team. Want to know more? Schedule a curiosity call today!