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MagNetUS creates an ecosystem for a broad scientific community interested in experimental magnetized plasma research. MagNetUS ecosystem objectives include:


December 23, 2023

Save the date: MagNetUS 2024 meeting

Season’s greetings from your friendly, community MagNetUS meeting program committee! While we are busy creating the program (and checking it twice), we wanted to remind you that the 2024 meeting is April 14-18th at Lake Arrowhead, CA. This meeting is much earlier than in previous years, so please mark your calendars accordingly. We look forward to seeing you all. Have a lovely holiday!


Jason Tenbarge

MagNetUS 2024 Program Committee Chair

November 19, 2023

DOE Collaborative Research Facilities Webinar, November 29, 2023 at 3:00 PM EST

The US Department of Energy (DOE) supports Collaborative Research Facilities (CRFs) which are available to the US and international communities. The CRFs provide plasma sources, diagnostics and computations to enable investigations that support and expand upon what individual researchers can accomplish at their home institutions.

A Webinar will be held to describe the opportunities available at all of the DOE CRFs and the process to submit a proposal to use the facilities. The DOE Webinar is scheduled for November 29, 2023 at 3:00 PM EST. 

Please register in advance for this webinar:

Directors of the CRFs:

Prof. Troy Carter, Basic Plasma Science Facility (BaPSF/LAPD), University of California – Los Angeles

Prof. Cary Forest, Wisconsin Plasma Physics Lab. (WiPPL/BRB/MST), Univ. of Wisconsin Madison

Prof. Ed Thomas, Magnetized Plasma Research Laboratory (MPRL/MDPX), Auburn University

Dr. Richard Buttery, DIII-D Frontier Science Campaign, General Atomics

Dr. Yevgeny Raitses, Princeton Collaborative Research Facility (PCRF), Princeton Plasma Physics Lab.

Dr. Shane Sickafoose, Sandia Plasma Research Facility (PRF), Sandia National Laboratory

Dr. Nirmol Podder, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

October 31, 2023

MagNetUS Announces 2023 Election Results and Bylaw Amendments Approval

MagNetUS is excited to announce the results of the 2023 election and the approval of proposed amendments to its bylaws. We extend our gratitude to the 50 members who participated in this year's election, making their voices heard and shaping the future of the organization.

Election Results:

Here are the newly elected officers who will play pivotal roles in MagNetUS:

1. Chair-Elect of the Executive Committee:

   - Dmitri Orlov, University of California San Diego

2. Chair of the Annual Meeting Working Group:

   - Jason TenBarge, Princeton University, PPPL

3. Chair of the Facilities Working Group:

   - Joe Olson, University of Wisconsin - Madison

4. Chair of the User Base Working Group:

   - Mel Abler, Space Science Institute

5. Chair of the Education, Outreach, and Workforce Development Working Group:

   - Saikat Chakraborty Thakur, Auburn University

6. Chair of the Software and Data Management Working Group:

   - Nick Murphy, Harvard & Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

These elected officers will play key roles in advancing the mission and objectives of MagNetUS in the coming year. Their diverse backgrounds and expertise will contribute to the growth and success of the organization.

Bylaw Amendments Approval:

In addition to the election results, MagNetUS members voted overwhelmingly in favor of proposed amendments to the organization's bylaws. The vote count was 45 in favor and 3 against, with 94% of members supporting the changes.

Details of the approved amendments can be found on the MagNetUS website here. These amendments will help streamline and improve the governance and operations of MagNetUS, ensuring a more effective and responsive organization.

Get Involved:

We invite all MagNetUS members to join us in congratulating the newly elected officers and to consider getting involved in one of the working groups. If you're interested in participating, please reach out to the chair of the specific group you'd like to contribute to. Your active participation can help shape the direction and success of MagNetUS in the field of frontier science.

Stay tuned for more updates and exciting developments from MagNetUS as we continue to push the boundaries of scientific discovery. Thank you for your continued support and involvement in our community.

August 17, 2023

The 2023 MagNetUS Nominations Committee is now soliciting nominations (including self-nominations) of candidates for all working group chairs (Regular Meeting; Facility Advisory; User Base; Outreach, Education and Workforce Development; Software and Data Management) as well as the Chair-Elect. Duties and terms of office for each position (as outlined in the Articles V, VI and VII of the MagNetUS Bylaws) are:

The nomination committee aims to generate a broad and diverse slate of candidates and nominations (including self-nominations) of early-career members and members from traditionally under-represented groups are encouraged.

Please submit your nomination (including the name and email address of the person being nominated) to the Nomination Committee Chair, Saikat Chakraborty Thakur, at, no later than Friday, August 25th, 2023.

Nominees will then be contacted to confirm their willingness to serve if elected and to provide a candidate statement.


MagNetUS 2023 Nominations Committee
Mel Abler
Alexander Batty
Jeremiah Williams
Saikat Chakraborty Thakur

June 12, 2023

The third annual MagNetUS meeting starts today hosted at Auburn University. For more info, see the meeting site: