2022 Fall Technical
Assistance &
Training Conference

October 12-14, 2022
Baton Rouge, Louisiana


MSA Health-Safety Travel Policy

We are committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all MSA 2022 conference participants. We are closely monitoring government mandates and policy changes and local and venue guidelines along with public health announcements. As new information regarding COVID-19 and its variants becomes available, we will adjust our approach as needed and keep you informed of new developments to ensure a collective effort and a safe environment for all MSA conference participants.

COVID-19 updates and what to expect at the Baton Rouge Marriott

Marriott Travel Guidance

Visit Baton Rouge - Local Safety


Updated as of September 9, 2022

Out of respect for our community of educators, please test yourself within 72 hours of attending. We will ask you to sign a note at registration that you have done so, and tested negative.

Also, please do not attend if you feel unwell.

At any point, participants may choose to wear a mask.

Join us in person this fall,
October 12-14, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Strategic planning, staff development, curriculum and instruction, student assessment, and school leadership are the focus of Magnet Schools of America's annual fall conference. The program is designed to assist district-level and school-level administrators responsible for creating, expanding, or improving magnet schools.

We are maximizing innovative & specialized opportunities together!


Kimberlin Butler_30sec.mp4

Kimberlin D. Butler
Wednesday, October 12

Kimberlin Butler is an equity-focused, cross-sector bridge-builder with 20 years of experience in public education, public affairs, and philanthropy.

She amplifies education investment strategies through evidence-informed grantmaking and catalyzes collaboration across the field of philanthropy. She partners with foundations to center racial equity in investments and founded Mathematica’s Equity Community of Practice.

Magnet's Got Talent Show


5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

Acts may not exceed three minutes.

All participants must be a registered, paid conference attendee.

Acts must be tasteful and may not consist or promote suggestive behavior that violates the professional code of conduct.

Microphones will be provided; however, participants are responsible for additional props other than tables or chairs.