Helping Teacherpreneurs Create 

TPT Businesses That Thrive 

Through Rethinking, Reorganizing and Restructuring Your Business 

Your TPT Business has grown, and what you did in the beginning worked or you wouldn't be here.  

But things have changed!

You are getting lost in the crowded TPT marketplace?

Gone are the days of Chevron word docs that would instantly sell on TPT.  With more sellers joining everyday and search becoming more difficult to control it's time we took more control of our traffic and our business. 

Your TPT to do list is long and feels impossible to complete.

It used to be easy.  Make a product, upload it and watch it sell.  But now your TPT business has grown but the work load that this requires is not sustainable.  You have tried all the efficiency systems to do more in less but it's not enough.  You are burnt out and ready to throw in the towel. 

You have big goals but don't know how to get there 

It all started out with funding your starbucks or Target habit.  But now you are thinking that TPT Tiffany apple would look good on your shelf (or perhaps yours is dusty and needs a good clean). The systems that you used at the beginning of your business were great then but they are not what you need now.  

A Teacher Author's Journey...

So many teacher-authors start by creating products we want or need in our classrooms. And it works! We start selling our products. 

Then, poof, things changed. We crossed that first or second milestone on TPT, and our business became more complicated. We tried some things, hoping that something we did would work. We DIY the heck out of it all, thinking, "if only I could figure out how to do more in less time, my business would grow." 

But we are stuck, not knowing what to do, what to focus on, or unsure how to take it to the next level without burning out, overworking, or giving up. We need to rely on more than TPT to make our business successful. It's time we run our business like a business, but how?  

Is this you?

It's Time You Rethink Your Business

You don't need more time...

You need a plan that prioritizes your most important tasks and the help to get it all done.

You don't need more products...

You need to market more effectively so you can take more control of your traffic. 

You don't need to start selling anything and everything to anyone...

You you need a focused brand, a specific niche and a group of ideal customers you can talk to. 

You don't need more courses...

You need 1:1 advice from someone who knows your business and can help you create a plan that works for your specific needs.

You know what you want but how do you get there...

You Are More Than Just a TPT store...

For so long you have tied your businesses identity to another company. But you are more than just a storefront on someone else's marketplace. It's time for your independence day.  

It's time we rethink how we think about our business.  It's time we step into our role as business visionary and get some separation from the marketplace we sell on.  It's time we confidently run our own business. 

You Need a Recognizable Brand Teachers Love!

We know you have a store name, and it's probably the same across all of your social platforms.  But there is a big difference between having a name and having a brand.  It's time you stop relying on search alone and start building a brand with raving loyal fans. 

Let's rethink your approach to branding.  Your customer needs to know you.  You need to stand out in the crowd so you can build customer and brand loyalty.  No matter your niche, it's time to find your people.  

You Need To Hire The Right Support

At the beginning of your business, it was all about cramming in work in between moments in life.  You can keep yourself on the hamster wheel of blame, thinking that if only you were more efficient, you would have more time.  

The reality is that there is only so much time in a day and your business has grown beyond you simply maximizing your time.  At some point, it is time to remember that your business needs more than just you. But how do you hire a team that is dedicated to helping your business succeed instead of their own?

Stop Overthinking it! You need Simple Systems that Scale

At the beginning your business was just you, you didn't need to organize your files, or have processes that others can follow.  You just did your thing. 

But now as your business grows beyond just you, you need systems that scale along with you.  You need a way to automate what you can to simplify your business and systems and processes that help you business run on autopilot so you can do what lights you up. 

This is where Thrive Coaching comes in! 

Helping Teacherpreneurs Create TPT Businesses That Thrive 

Through Rethinking, Reorganizing and Restructure Your Business 

Running a TPT business is no easy feat, and it's okay to feel stuck or overwhelmed. You trained to be a teacher but now find yourself running a TPT business, and you're lost. 

You've already accomplished so much on your own, and that's something to be proud of.

Thrive Coaching can help if you:

Coaching gives you the support, accountability, and guidance you need to build a thriving business. You'll learn new strategies, improve your skills, and gain the confidence to take bold action toward your dreams.

Meet Your Coach

Hi, my name is Patti Firth, teacher, wife, mom of three and founder and CEO of Madly Learning Inc.  

Twelve years ago, I started my TPT business, MADLY LEARNING, to justify the hours I spent creating resources for my classroom.  At first, this was just a side hustle I did in my spare time.  I loved creating resources for teachers so they didn't have to.  However, as it grew, I found myself resenting my business and the time it was taking me away from what was most important my family, friends, and me.  It didn't matter how efficient I became or how many DIY systems I followed I could no longer sustain my business as a solopreneur.  I needed to rethink how this was going to work.   If I wanted my business to thrive, I was going to have to change the way I thought about how it ran.  To love my business again I needed to rethink what it meant to run my business, I needed to reorganize how I was doing things, and restructure the business from the ground up.  

Now, I run a business I love again.  I also love giving back to the TPT community.  This is why I have decided to pursue coaching with other TPT sellers.  I want to help others rethink their business and redesign businesses that they love.  Let me help you restructure your business from a solopreneur to a leader of a team, organize your sales and marketing systems to run like clockwork, and simplify your work flow so you work smarter not harder.  



Ways to Work With Me...

Free TPT Business Analysis Call

What happens on this call?

Let me help you put a plan together for you business during this FREE Buisness Analysis discovery call .  On this FREE coaching call we will: 

** All free Business Analysis Calls are subject to application approval and eligibility requirements.  Please ensure you answer questions on the application accurately.  

Ways to Work With Me...

Thrive's 12 Week Coaching Program 

Weekly 1:1 Coaching Calls

There is not a one size fits all solution.  Your business is uniquely you and should be run in a way that reflects your values and purpose.  Coaching will focus on identifying your values, your goals and set out a path to move your business to the next level. 

Weekly Group Calls

While you can get personalized support from a coach you also need the support of others that are in it with you.  Led by Patti these bi-weekly group coaching calls will provide training on topics relevant to group members businesses as well as hot seats to bounce ideas off of other TPT sellers. 

Ongoing Support

You get access to your coach, and other Thrive coaching members through our Voxer channel and Facebook Group.   A big part of coaching is accountability to help you reach your goals.   Through Voxer and Facebook, you can make posts, send texts, and send audio or video messages back and forth to keep you accountable for the actions you take each week to move your business forward.  

Systems, Tools and Plans

It's hard sometimes to know where to start so Thrive Coaching is here to help you along the way.  Let us walk you through the systems, tools and processes you need to operate a successful business.  From organizing your files, selecting the right tools for the job, automating the mundane tasks to managing projects, and writing out your processes.  We will help you get yourself up and running with systems that help you scale. 

But Your Coach Needs to Walk the Walk...Not Just Talk the Talk

It's all over the TPT groups.  Be careful where you get your coaching from. The thing is, they are right!  You should make sure that before you say YES to working with a coach, you should make sure that they have the experience you yourself are trying to achieve.  That they have the business you see yourself working towards.  

So to help you see if I fit that for you, I thought I would include my own business stats to help you make your decision.  

Let's Work together

See if Coaching is Right for Your Business Right Now

Let's jump on a FREE Business Analysis discovery call if: 

** All free Business Analysis Calls are subject to application approval and eligibility requirements.  Please ensure you answer questions on the application accurately.