Call for Proposals

Call for Proposals from STEM Librarians

The 2022 True North Science Boot Camp will be held virtually from Tuesday, May 10 to Thursday, May 12, 2022. Organized by the John L. Haar Library, MacEwan University, Edmonton, AB, this year’s theme will be Community-Based Science Scholarship. Every year, the TNSBC conference brings together librarians and STEM researchers for three days of science lectures and presentations relevant to the exciting field of science librarianship. This event provides opportunities for librarians to learn more about science and the research process, while providing opportunities to discuss best practices, and to share ideas and experiences.

As with previous years, the TNSBC Organizing Committee wishes to include new and emerging work of STEM librarians as part of the broader program. We therefore invite proposals from STEM colleagues wishing to share any innovative work that they are conducting on any aspect of STEM librarianship. Full presentations may be either 40 minutes or 20 minutes. Lightning Talk presentations will be approximately 5 minutes and should be submitted in advance of the conference.

To submit a full Presentation or Lightning Talk proposal, please send in an abstract of no more than 350 words to: If proposing a presentation, please state clearly whether it will be 40 or 20 minutes in length.

Proposal submission extended deadline: Friday, March 25, 2022, 11:59 pm

Please note: There is no requirement that librarian presentations necessarily adhere strictly to the conference theme: any interesting proposal about innovative work in STEM Librarianship is invited for consideration!

Successful Proposal and Lightning Talk authors will be contacted in early April, 2022.

Have questions about TNSBC 2022? Please contact us at: