Nicole Balaberda

Artist biography

Nicole is a queer artist who was born and raised in Edmonton, Alberta. Currently, she is working towards a Fine Arts Diploma from MacEwan University, which she will complete in spring 2021. Earlier this year she was a recipient of the John and Barbara Poole Family Scholarship for her artistic proficiency. Although she has not participated in any previous exhibitions, she is eager to display her work in the future. In addition to gallery shows and her Fine Art practice, Nicole is interested in expanding her artistic knowledge into the field of tattooing.

Artist statement

Nicole’s work is recognized by her affinity for the macabre and her ability to inspire discomfort within the viewer. Often times her work poses an enticing juxtaposition between disgust and allure. Her practice deals with themes around body, horror, and fantasy and is rooted in personal experience, materiality, and intensive research. She often uses visuals of gore and anatomy in twisted and abstracted ways to express discomfort in a multitude of forms. Despite this, her work embodies a grotesque ethereality which prevents it from crossing into the realm of senseless horror.

Nicole works in textile formats such as crochet, sewing, and embroidery, as well as in audio and video modes, with additional interests in traditional media. Her textile practice is supported by a decade of experience with various mediums while her video work is primarily informed by her history in film studies as well as additional research into contemporary cinema. A considerable portion of her practice is meticulous and labor-intensive work, as she values a polished product and the intricacy small details can bring to a piece.